Dec 31, 2009 06:52

I normally don't make new year resolutions because I don't believe it's a good idea to give myself more opportunities to let myself down. However, I HAVE to change some things this year. I've already gotten a great start and I know I can do it.

This year, I will get back down to 160 lbs. I want to be healthy and I want to feel happy in my own skin. I'm also working on the self esteem factor.

I'm taking 2 online classes which means I essentially have to teach myself. I will put more focus into my school work rather than everything else. I need to be great at what I do in order to make the big bucks.

I will do a better job of keeping in touch with people. I've missed too much of everyones lives as it is.

I would like to pick up some kind of hobby this year as well. Something that will keep me occupied. I'm thinking I will start painting. Get an easel and some supplies and just paint my heart away.

I will also start saving money each paycheck for future things ( down payment on a house, wedding expenses, etc). I don't need to spend every cent I make.

I'm going to do my best to keep these promises to myself. If I et off track at any point, I'll get right back on.

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via ljapp

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