Jan 14, 2005 07:29
Develop, Strengthen, Create, Assist, Facilitate, Encourage…These are the words that bring our nine FBLA rules to life. In the same way a bicycle would not move if it had no wheels, our rules would have no strength without these pillars of action. Action…what better word to express the way that FBLA has helped America…Develop competent aggressive, business leadership. Aggression is very important in business, it’s necessary to move forward. Aggression is what separates the FBLA officers from the quiet child in the back of the class room. None of the hard working officers we have in our FBLA program got where they are today by being meek. Aggression here doesn’t mean fury and anger, and agitation…it means a burning drive…a reason set on fire, a motivation…a dedication…You must develop the skills necessary for being a business leader. If you truly want to become an efficient leader you must be competent in your ability to lead. You must know what needs to be done, and have the strength to walk out in front of the whole world if you have to and say what must be said in order to assure what needs to be done gets done…Strengthen…the confidence of students in themselves and there work….Strengthen…First realize that it doesn’t say encourage confidence, it says Strengthen…that means that you have to know that a child possesses confidence down in there heart somewhere…you have to believe in that child and tell them that they can do it, seize his or her inner confidence and help them to make it shine out for all the world to see. Create more interest in understanding of business enterprise. Business does not always have to be like it is in movies. It doesn’t have to be a bunch of people sitting around a table bored to death staring at charts and graphs and talking about stock. Catch their eye; this is what FBLA was made for, for the Future Business Leaders of America. We need to inspire that passion for working. Yes a passion for work. We don’t want our future business leaders to have jobs; we want them to have careers. They need to learn the skills and they need to have the skills presented to them in a manner in which is both understandable and interesting. Encourage members in development of individual projects which contribute to the improvement of home, business and community…Encouragement is one of the single most important things for young business leaders. It is mentioned 3 times in these nine goals. To encourage could mean the difference between a Nobel Prize and a crumpled up piece of paper when an idea written on it. Encourage individual projects…They sharpen skills and give you a chance to do something that has the potential to help one person or an entire community…Develop character, prepare for useful citizenship and foster patriotism. The definition of character is “The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person.” If you had 10 people in a room you would have 10 different characters in a room. Developing your own special character can be a difficult process, someone may have a very outgoing character which is a wonderful gift, but in the business world being to outgoing may turn a potential boss away from you to someone more professional. Be your own special self, but be professional. In these hard times for the USA, each and every soul that belongs to this country should bow their head and give thanks that they are here. BE a citizen of this country, participate in voting when your old enough, support our president be you democrat, republican or a member of a small party. Being a citizen of a country run by democracy is an honor no, a privilege that you should not take lightly. Your vote does matter, your support is appreciated. Support all of our dear countries efforts; be passionate about this soil in which your foot treads upon day after day. You live in America...so next time you see that old red white and blue flag waving in the air, you be proud. Encourage and practice efficient money management. Times get hard…money gets hard to come by…It is very important if you run a business, or if you don’t, to know how to handle money. You need to get all the practice you can in handling money. If you have to get a job and McDonalds just to see what happens to the money after the cash register is full then do it, if you have parents who run businesses ask them, if you have a chance to go to a lecture on money management go to it. The goal of every business is to provide a service in return for money, therefore no matter where you work you will need to know how to manage money efficiently. Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty. I cant