Misfits Q & A Transcript

Dec 16, 2010 20:42

For anyone who didn't get to see/read it. Here's a transcript of the Misfits Live Q & A with Howard, Nathan & Iwan.

5:26 [Standby] Hi - Please come back at 7pm for our Live Q & A with Misfits' writer, Howard Overman, who is joined by Iwan Rheon (who plays Simon) and Nathan Steward-Jarrett (who plays Curtis). We will see you then!

6:50 E4.com Producer: Good evening interweb! We're setting up, get settled, get your questions in and we'll be starting soon...

7:00 E4.com Producer: RIGHT

7:01 E4.com Producer: We've got Howard and Iwan sat at their computers ready to answer your questions... Nathan is on his way...

7:01 E4.com Producer: Howard, Iwan - would you like to say hello?

7:02 Iwan Rheon (Simon): Hello!

7:02 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): Hello

7:03 E4.com Producer: So, first question from the blog: from Soleil:
Howard, at which point did you decide who SuperHoodie would be?"

7:04 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): I decided at the end of series one after I wrote the scene where he saved Nathan on the bike.

7:04 [Comment From Izzy Taylor: ]
A quick question for Howard and Iwan: is it awkward filming such graphic sex scenes with cast mates?

7:07 Iwan Rheon (Simon): It's quite awkward doing sex scenes with Howard!! Ha! It can be because there's loads of people in the room and your naked. Thankfully me and Antonia are very good friends so that makes it easier.

7:07 [Comment From Dumitru: ]
Hi There...Will You Explain Later On In The Series Why The Storm Gave Them Powers?

7:09 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): The plan is never to explain. Series tend to fall apart when they try to explain everything. Plus, I have no explanation, but people are more than welcome to come up with one for me.

7:09 E4.com Producer: ... and with that, Nathan's here too!
Nathan, wanna say hello?

7:10 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): Hey everyone!! How's it all going?

7:11 Iwan Rheon (Simon): I'm very well thank you Nathan you sexy thing!

7:11 [Comment From Bebhinn: ]
Iwan, who is more fun to play; future Simon or present Simon?

7:11 E4.com Producer: ... or Lucy Simon?

7:12 Iwan Rheon (Simon): They are both fun and challanging in different ways. The cool thing is that Simon is becoming more like his future self every day.

7:13 E4.com Producer: This one for everyone - and to you first Nathan...

7:13 [Comment From burb: ]
what do you like most about misfits?

7:14 Iwan Rheon (Simon): The shirts!

7:14 [Comment From edz: ]
oy iwan, you are a fine piece of ass, you know that;)

7:14 Iwan Rheon (Simon): Cheers!

7:16 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): No...The boilersuits!

7:16 [Comment From Rosa: ]
Have you found you life differ since Misfits? What is the strangest fan experience you have had? (at Iwan and Nathan)

7:17 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): My life is pretty much the same..

7:17 Iwan Rheon (Simon): Ummm.....life is pretty much the same exept more people ask to hug me on the street now which is wierd.

7:18 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): I think my strangest fan experience was Rachel from last years X Factor seeing me on the tube and screaming MISFITS MAN!

7:18 [Comment From Guest: ]
What is the most random 'power' that has been suggested for a character?

7:19 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): Laktokienisis - the ability to control diary products. It features in tonight's episode...

7:22 [Comment From Rosie: ]
Which has been your favourite series to film?

7:22 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): Series two, as we had a better idea what we were doing...

7:23 Iwan Rheon (Simon): The second for me because of how Howard has developed my character so wonderfully.

7:23 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): yeah...I think we were much more confident and comfortable with the characters

7:24 [Comment From Clare: ]
Howard.. How did you have the idea for Bruno and how did you go about making it believeable?

7:26 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): I had the idea that it would be great to do Misfits meets King Kong. Giving human Bruno a relationship with Kelly helped keep it real...

7:26 [Comment From Evelyn: ]
Does Lauren actually speak like that? How do you bear it?

7:27 Iwan Rheon (Simon): Yes and it's a great accent cheeky!

7:27 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): No no no...that's not fair. Yes she does speak like that, but she's awesome. Just says it how it is innit

7:27 [Comment Frombill: ]
Howard, Did you realise the show would of been such a hit when you came up with the concept?

7:28 E4.com Producer: while howard answers that... look they are really here, we're not making it up

29 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): I hoped it would be, but I didn't expect the reaction we've had. I'm just glad people like it.

7:30 [Comment From Stephanie Pereira: ]
Do You Think Curtis Will Every Be Able To Control His Power ike Simon Can?

7:30 [Comment From Tanyaa!: ]
Iwan- Why do you have a 70s hairstyle off screen?

7:31 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): Working on it...it's hard. I look constipated.

7:31 Iwan Rheon (Simon): Do I? I didn't realise. Are you taking the piss?

7:32 [Comment From Angel2211: ]
what was the most awkward scene you have done Nathan and Iwan? xx

7:32 Iwan Rheon (Simon): Having Robert Sheehan licking my face!!

7:32 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): Between mutual masturbation and bare assed roof sex...I can't decide.

7:33 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): I thought they were your favourite scenes. I'll write some more.
7:33 [Comment From Dami: ]
Will we find out how Simon travelled back in Time

7:34 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): You'll have to wait until series 3...

7:34 [Comment From Nile: ]
Will all of the main characters powers develop like Nathan's and Future Simon's did?

7:35 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): Look out for the end of the Christmas special for a new twist...
7:35 [Comment From Limman: ]

nathan are you athletic in real life?

7:35 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): Totally!

7:36 E4.com Producer: He's running around the office now

7:36 E4.com Producer: So, thanks for your poll answers...

7:36 [Comment From Niko: ]
What message do you have for the youth of today?

7:37 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): Enjoy it while it lasts.

7:38 E4.com Producer: It looks like everyone's favourite one-off character was Nathan's brother. Howard, how did you come up with Jamie?

7:39 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): I was just thinking of a less shit version of the Mitchell Brothers

7:39 E4.com Producer: Would you like to have an onscreen brother Iwan/Nathan?

7:40 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): Iwan is my brother

7:40 Iwan Rheon (Simon): This is true!

7:41 E4.com Producer: Wicked, and everyone's fav ep was episode 3 - when we found out about FSimon: was that a highlight to write Howard?

7:43 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): Yes, we were just hoping the secret wouldn't get out before it was aired. Luckily, very few people saw it coming.

7:43 [Comment From Rebecca: ]
If you could have anyone guest star on misfits, who would it be?

7:43 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): The Mitchell Brothers

7:44 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): James Brown

7:44 Iwan Rheon (Simon): The Queen

7:44 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): or Queen!

7:45 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): Justin strange hair Bieber

7:45 E4.com Producer: And this one to Howard...

7:45 [Comment From Niamh: ]
Who are your influences? :')

7:46 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): I think Joss Whedon was an innovator in terms of genre tv

7:46 [Comment From Winter Girl: ]
Who do you idolise as actors (iwan and nathan)

7:47 Iwan Rheon (Simon): Richard Burton and Michael Sheen oh and Ross Kemp and Steve Mcfadden!

7:47 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): Dot.

7:48 [Comment From Saskia: ]
To Iwan and Nathan: Do you ever read the scenes and think "Wtf"?

7:48 Iwan Rheon (Simon): Yes every time!

7:48 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): All the time..

7:49 [Comment From Bec: ]
If you could play any other character, which would you play?

7:50 Iwan Rheon (Simon): I'd love to play Kelly!

7:50 E4.com Producer: nice sneakers Nathan

7:50 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): Shaun the Probabtion worker...

7:52 [Comment From Ryan Bru: ]
how did you guys end up on the show? did yous go to acting schools or just normal schools ? cause i would love to do something like that

7:53 Iwan Rheon (Simon): I went to a comprehensive in Cardiff then went to drama school in London after.

7:54 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): I went to a performing arts school called the BRIT in south London, and then went to a drama school called Central.

7:54 [Comment From Ryan Brady: ]
@ Howard - did you base the show on anyone or any of your own experiences ?

7:55 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): It is pretty much an accurate portrayal of my life so far. Joking aside, some of the things have happened to my friends, including 'tripling' which features in tonights show.

7:56 [Comment From Matt: ]
Hi guys, just wanted to say that I love the show, and I hope it will keep going !

7:56 C4CommunityProducer: ouch! Tripling... Just wait...

7:56 [Comment From Cheyenne: ]
What's your favorite episode?

7:56 Iwan Rheon (Simon): Episode 4 of this series.

7:57 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): From this series 3, 4 and 6

7:57 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): Mine too...it was brilliant concept.

7:57 [Comment From kiaa: ]
if you weren't in misfits, do you think you would watch the show?

7:58 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): For sure...

7:58 Iwan Rheon (Simon): Yes. I wish I could watch it without being in it.

7:58 [Comment From Elisabeth: ]
Howard: Did the actors give you ideas for the script?

8:00 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): No. They are basically drunken, illiterate fools who can barely read their lines.

8:01 [Comment From Conor: ]
Will you ever make a Misfits feature length? Cos i think we all would love to see that!

8:02 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): We've had a lot of interest, but I don't think we'll do it. I don't want to charge you guys 10 quid for a re-hashed version of what you've already seen.

8:02 [Comment From Aline: ]
are you guys good friends in real life?

8:02 Iwan Rheon (Simon): No i hate them all!! Only joking I love them all.

8:03 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): Love you too man..

8:03 [Comment From Kelley: ]
What happened to Kelly's dog Keith?

8:03 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): He was put down after asking for a raise.

8:03 [Comment From Ian: ]
haha i like it

8:03 C4CommunityProducer: Let that be a lesson fellas!

8:05 [Comment From monica: ]
Is it true that robert sheenan is leaving the show? please nooooooooo

8:06 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): I'm still working out what happens in series 3, but if Robert asks for a pay rise he'll get the same treatment as Keith the dog.

8:08 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): I can put anyone down. In misfits world I'm god.

8:08 [Comment From Jemma: ]
Howard can I just have your brain please? It's fantastic.

8:08 E4.com Producer: Right, on that note

8:09 [Comment From gems: ]
I love the show!! And I love Iwan!!!!!!! xxx ;)

8:09 Iwan Rheon (Simon): Thank you. x

8:09 [Comment From Lucy: ]
Howard - do you have any advice for an aspiring scriptwriter?

8:10 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): Keep writing, and don't be afraid to take criticism. It takes a long time to get it right, but it's worth it in the end. People are always on the look out for good new writers.

8:13 E4.com Producer: One more question for Iwan and Nathan... make it a belter

8:14 [Comment From Kate Kate: ]
Whats ur favorite thing about christmas?

8:14 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): Mince pies, and Misfits xmas special 10pm Sunday (plug, plug)

8:15 Iwan Rheon (Simon): The Misfits crimbo special on Sunday night. E4 10pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

8:15 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): Food food and the Misfits Christmas special on Sunday...10pm

8:16 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): Fanks mate

8:17 E4.com Producer: Ok, so that is about it...

8:17 E4.com Producer: Guys, do you all want to say something like a farewell?

8:18 Howard Overman (Misfits' Creator): Bye. Thanks for your questions. Enjoy the show.
8:18 Iwan Rheon (Simon): Goodbye.....it's been lovely chatting with you. Merry christmas.

8:18 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Curtis): Thank you everyone. Have a wicked Christmas and New Year!!!

8:19 E4.com Producer: Great, thanks then everyone!

Hope you enjoy it!
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