Strangely exciting to watch (the stoic squirm)

Mar 03, 2008 23:00

..Stolen from Terry.
Oh this was fun! I had to restrain myself from picking my fav quotes cuz then it would have been too easy. Hope it's not too hard now...

1. Pick 15 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb search functions.

1- Can you see now?
Be careful how you're driving.
2- Hier kommst du nicht mehr raus.
Elsie?... Elsie?... ELSIE!
3- Because I think you may be about to leave me and I didn't want to be wearing a dressing gown.
You love her like a dog loves its owner.
4- Yeah, you said "so go." With such disdain, you know?
Sand is overrated. It's just tiny, little rocks.
5- Well, I imagine it gets uncomfortable sitting that long with a stick up your ass.
No inappropriate behavior is allowed here.
6- It's the only clean place in the apartment.
And if I'm a nun because I don't get out of this house enough for you guys, then that's too bad!
7- Life is beautiful.
But what's the point of breathing if somebody already tells you the difference between an apple and a bicycle?
8- Ich habe nichts getan.
Die Wohnung... ist wirklich sicher?
9- I swear, I'll learn how to swim.
He doesn't like to be with the others.
10- Don't point that gun at him, he's an unpaid intern.
Thanks a lot for not picking me.
11- You are fighting for the biggest nothing in history.
Why do all you guys sit on your helmets?
12- I am so not into dying today.
Have you seen my gun?
13- Why are you hiding back there?
And then she showed me the back room where she took all of her clothes off.
14- Entschuldingung. Bitte. Danke.
Nee, ich bin Mürderin.
15- What are we going to do with this one, Frank?
Inside the men, there were three bullets.
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