Who is your personal role model?

May 21, 2004 11:22

Ever since Edward could remember, his role model had been the Well-Mannered Gentleman. He had learned about the Well-Mannered Gentleman from the book on Etiquette that his Inventor had read to him.

"The well-mannered gentleman eats soup with the side of the spoon, without noise."
"The well-mannered gentleman does not talk loud or boisterously."
"The well-mannered gentleman does not leave the table before the rest of the family or guests, without asking the host or hostess to excuse him."

There were an awful lot of rules to remember, but Edward knew that if he didn't remember each and every one, then he would become that most unfortunate of creatures, the Ill-Bred Boy.

There was one rule that he knew that he would never be able fulfill, and it vexed him terribly.

"The well-bred gentleman never wears gloves at the table, unless his hands are for some special reason unfit to be seen."

Edward wished that he could wear gloves.
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