well golly gee its been a while since i updated.
well last week i was in LA with my Talmud summer scoo class heh(and i have pictures yay!!!) and then i came back and went to nora's cabin in kirkwood, and i have pictures from that but nora has them so i won't be posting them for a hile cuz shes gone (sniff sniff). but kirkwood was hellof fun we went skinny dipping in lake kirkwood YEYUH that's badass-a little maybe? anyways then i got back and drove to calistoga the next morning to kick it with the fam for three days-that was fun, i hellof relaxed and got hellof tan. oh and haha i got a massage by this really like ugly obese lady and i was cringing the whole time cuz i really didn't want her to touch me. heh, and then yesterday i drove back and went to the bonfire wif nora got really smashed and probably acted like a retard-no actually I'm positive i acted like a retard. hmm, what else is new? but no it was fun. and then i had to get up at 7:00 after going to sleep at like 3:00 am cuz i slept over at nora's and she had to catch a flight-not good times. but then they dropped me off at home and i slept till 1:00. ahhh. but moving on...
pictures from LA enjoy!!
the gangs all herrr. this is at the airpoint in um, aw shit i foget where-ha whuteva.
and again...lol
ha! monica humping marianna.
we all look absolutly RETARDED here. gawd, this picture cracks me up.
hahhaah! i asked how my hair looked and they gave me a mirror hence my reaction.
omg i love this picture! soo LA. its me and monica in the backyard of our old teachers mansion-its random i know.
hmm, must have been funny. (meh my eye makeup is running i look scary)
aw yeah, piiimp. that's me diving into the pool, tilt your head to the right-there it is!
there's hellof more but whuteva you get the gist, for a summer scoo field trip it wasn't bad at all.
mkay hommies, till next time