Aug 12, 2009 18:30
ok i have noticed alot lately that alot of people are asking if they could recieve free fanbooks if tey entered there work into the fanbook
the answer is no! lol
sorry about this but as our fanbook is a high quality professionally printed and published full colour perfect cound a4 size book its quite expensive we couldnt possible afford to be handing out these books to everyone who took part. and well considering we didnt d this for members who took part last year it wouldnt be fair for us to offer it this year.
what we do tho to help everyone be able to afford one is.
- we make a full colour copy.. which works out around £20 per book depending on page numbers etc
these are the books that will be handed to the cast and crew...which we have to pay for out of our own pockets and from kin donations to help us fund them...not including postage but the company does post worldwide.
- a black and white copy.. which has the same cfull colour cover like the colour ones.. just black and white printed pages inside, we are able to get these printed for around £5 depending on page numbers..not including postage..but it does post worldwide also.
- what we will also be doing is a pdf dwnload file.. these arent free thro either sadly but they will be alot cheaper for those around the world. then you will be ble to rint the books cheaper for yourslfs or at home. we are going to discount this and make these full colour copy pdf files will be £3 each. and rmember this is an option that will mean that you will not have to pay for postage.
these prices are only estimates for now for your information as we only fin out the exact costs once we have all the pages finished and loaded to the website we use for printing.
te reason we spend the money we do on these books is to give them the highest quality look to the book as possible since they are orgianlly as gifts for the cast and crew not for ourselfs.. we just offer anyone who wants a copy to buy one if they want for the keep sake,
no profits re being made from these books at all. the prices that the books will cost are purelt the printing and publishing costsof the website we use, which is actully the cheapest website we could find to do this for us to let all members be bl to purchase there books seperately and post worldwide rather than us having to buy in bulk.
i wish we could afford to give you all a free book but we have to aford the cast and cew books as it is and we have to pay for our own too and well when your single mum or unemployed we cant possible afford this. sorry all. but i hope that clears up everything.
when the books are done i will upload all three links t purchse the three differnt copies of the book for you to decided what youd want. but that ont be til net year so dont panic.