no way. flip sake. im not really clued up on how to get pics on lj esp not full size etc. i just used the scrap bok thing on here and then pressed upload pics and all that, and embed photos.
im going to have to get u to teach me or atleast show me then how to get the pages to show up properly on my profile as its very frustrating ill meail you in the hotmail kady for abit of help as neither of me or hannah really use livejournal other than now
I'm not that knowledgable about it myself, but I think you have to have each image posted somewhere individually. I use Photobucket. When I post images, I link to each one at a time rather than try to do them all at once.
ok so ill upload them to photobucket then and then how dp i link them so they definately show up the pictures on the profile rather then just a bunch of links?
Upload each image to Photobucket. Below each image are links to the code you need when posting images. For posting images to LJ, you need to copy and paste the HTML code from below the image you want to post from Photobucket to the post you are wanting to make in LJ.
For instance, I will use the HTML code from one of the images on your Photobucket page you provided to me via email here. (I made small changes to your settings so you will see the code all the time and not just when you mouse over an image. If you don't like it, it can be changed. I also turned on the setting for thumbnails so the images show up in post small but clickable for full size.)
thanks kady that makes alot more sense to me, and wil lhep me alot yuour a star. weve been having troubles tonight with net and photobucket so will get round to doing it tomoz hopefully then instead
I was hoping what I said would make sense to you because I knew I couldn't explain it any clearer. It's so much easier teaching in person. I teach by showing rather than telling!
Take your time, and I'll help you as we go along, to the best of my abilities.
For instance, I will use the HTML code from one of the images on your Photobucket page you provided to me via email here. (I made small changes to your settings so you will see the code all the time and not just when you mouse over an image. If you don't like it, it can be changed. I also turned on the setting for thumbnails so the images show up in post small but clickable for full size.)
( ... )
Take your time, and I'll help you as we go along, to the best of my abilities.
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