Wasted Time
By: Anne (
Rating: R
Characters/Pairing: Ten/Rose
lorelaisquaredSetting: Through the Waters of Mars.
Author’s Note: I blame this fic on
tardismate, who made an off-comment to me in passing that got my brain ticking. And then
lorelaisquared took that teensy-tiny ticking and helped me come up with this. Thanks for the inspiration to you both!
“I wasted time, and
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I read the second and third chapters yesterday and was going to review today and what do I see? A new chapter, so of course, I couldn't resist reading it too xD Now to the fic *grins*
I really love what you did with all the timey-whimey and time-line tweaking, nothing short of brilliant, Crazy!Ten playing the part of Deux ex Machina, I bloody love it.
Also, is it wrong that I like crazy!Ten more than his relatively sane counterpart? He's like a cooler older brother of the present Ten and he's dead sexy because he knows what he wants and is not afraid to take it, I actually thought after reading part three that future!Ten would give Rose a proper heated celebratory snog after they saved the Universe and present Ten would be gaping like a goldfish at that XD Here's the difference between them, crazy!Ten snogged her senseless hardly had he seen her and present!Ten is all about talking and hugging xD
I really enjoyed Doctors' interactions between each other,too. It was even funnier knowing that it's one person than when it's Ten and Ten2.
And even though I suspected that future!Ten would cease to exist because with Rose and Donna by his side present Ten wouldn't become him, I was still,like, NO,Crazy!Ten, DON'T GO *CLINGS*
"I just wanted to be with you," he tried to explain, as his entire body became translucent, barely holding onto his last grasp on reality. His voice wavered in and out like a telephone losing reception as he looked her in the eye for the last time. "I love you, Rose Tyler. Should have said it years ago."
Awwww, poor woobie *squishes* this nearly made me tear up and that practically never happens to me while reading fic :(
treated her like she was the most precious thing in the universe
I think I'm too fond of The Doctor being exclusive and single-minded about Rose *sigh* and present Ten definitely has many things to learn from his future self, Rose doesn't have to always be the one who makes the first move ;D
But then Rose slid her hands around his neck, pulling her body flush against his, and he began to relax, and react, slowly returning each caress of her lips. He allowed her tongue entrance without a fight, and she almost gasped as she tasted him again. He seemed to be pouring all of his loneliness, and longing, and his desperate need for her into every act of their embrace.
mm,yeah, good boy, he's learning ;D
Anyway, I think rant is over for now and I hope I was able to bring my point across (and my point is OMG I'M ENJOYING THIS TOO MUCH), if I have thinky thoughts that's usually a good sign xD
*sitting here waiting not so patiently for the part 5*
Also, is it wrong that I like crazy!Ten more than his relatively sane counterpart? He's like a cooler older brother of the present Ten and he's dead sexy because he knows what he wants and is not afraid to take it, I actually thought after reading part three that future!Ten would give Rose a proper heated celebratory snog after they saved the Universe and present Ten would be gaping like a goldfish at that XD Here's the difference between them, crazy!Ten snogged her senseless hardly had he seen her and present!Ten is all about talking and hugging xD
This whole bit had me in fits of giggles and excitement! I am SO glad that you love Crazy!Ten that much! I do too, to be honest. I think your interpretation of him is spot on! And yes, I could TOTALLY see the whole Ten gaping at him thing. If I had more plot to work out that would have made a fabulous scene. I would enjoy watching Ten be all jealous of Crazy!Ten and Rose's snogging. Unfortunately, I think Rose needed to do what she did, in order for time to move forward. But a part of me definitely mourns Crazy!Ten. He is such the tragic hero - sacrificing everything but still not REALLY getting what he wants. Awww.
But yes, his sacrifice enabled Ten to realize what he needed to do. Without Crazy!Ten, Ten would have become Crazy!Ten eventually, but Crazy!Ten ALLOWED Ten to learn from his own mistakes. Which is awesome and gives Ten and whole new chancce at things!
I am SO EXCITED that this gave you such thinky-thoughts! Yay! Thank you for that!
More soon - I promise!
lol, well, it was a feedback for three chapters at once so it's bound to be a bit massive ;D
I am SO glad that you love Crazy!Ten that much! I do too, to be honest. I think your interpretation of him is spot on!
He makes me think of those lines from the song "White lies" "Sometimes good men do bad things just as bad men can do good, tell me which way you like it", and this is damn sexy XD
I would enjoy watching Ten be all jealous of Crazy!Ten and Rose's snogging.
Heh, Ten would give anyone a lesson of how to be jealous of himself XD
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