My brother's friend Reed edits comic strips. Yes, he does. Today he e-mailed my brother and said, "Read Get Fuzzy. Now."
This is today's Get Fuzzy:
Reed is awesome.
In other news, I am planning to go home tonight, and I'm rather ready for it. This has been a rather nice Christmas as far as my family goes, but I'm ready for a bit of personal space.
However, my brother's flight back to Seattle is already delayed an hour. So we shall see what happens. I'm not leaving until he goes, so if it gets canceled, I might stick around another night. If it's delayed, I might be driving really, really late. And that's perfectly fine with me. Whatever happens, happens.
I finished book #51 yesterday. It was Slapstick by Vonnegut. Oh, Vonnegut. I love him for all of his insanity. But I will admit, when I got to the epilogue, my general reaction was a resounding (and out lout), "Vonnegut! WTF are you doing you freak!" I love him for his ability to make me react like that.
I'm delaying in starting book #52. Mostly because I want to read something light and fluffy, and I don't want to insult my brother by not starting the Sherman Alexie book he bought me. I love Sherman Alexie. I want to read Sherman Alexie. I just want to read something fluffy first. I have a Sarah Dessen book in my bag. I think that will be next, but we shall see. If I don't start it today, I could very well go home and start something else entirely.
Yesterday we watched Knocked Up. I liked it more than I expected to. I have to say, it was actually a smart choice on Katie's part. I'll be curious to see how 27 Dresses is.
I did watch MOST of VOTD a second time. I skipped through a few parts, because my time was limited. But that episode still gets brownie points from me for David Tennant's awesomeness. And sexiness. Good, good stuff. Can we have S4 now, please?
I think that's about it. I didn't really have much to say, as you can see. But I felt like, well, I haven't posted in a few days. I can find something to talk about, can't I? Hmmm.
Hope everyone is having a good Friday.