While everyone else is bitching about Lost, which I have yet to watch, let me take a moment out to instead bitch about Veronica Mars.
What a fucking LAME, LAME, LAME series finale. Seriously. What the hell was that?? The whole episode was anti-climatic, for the most part. It wrapped nothing up. It basically tore down any positives happening during the current storyline, such that it was. It was dark. It was depressing.
I totally get that the show was cancelled last minute, and they didn't have time to wrap anything up nicely…but if they got a new season they were going to jump years to the future, weren't they? So what the hell was up with this ending? Dark evil vindictive Kane family introductory stuff. Keith loses the job as sherriff (even if he was still on the ballot) and Vinnie gets it (probably). Veronica hates Logan's guts (which, honestly, he walked into by beating Piz to a bloody pulp). Veronica and Piz were pretty happy, I guess…but that last look between them was very odd. Dark, haunted Logan (again) incurring the wrath of some very powerful people who could easily have him assassinated. I dunno…and the last image we get out of the show is Veronica *voting*? *yawn*
Again…I know it was cancelled very last minute…but they kind of knew it was coming. How hard would it have been to tighten things up just a little teensy bit? Make all the Roswell comparisons you want…at least Roswell closed the show out. This? Sucked. Ass.
The thing is…now Veronica Mars is done, and it has left me with a bad taste in my mouth, instead of giving me some sort of final "oh, this show is awesome" moment. I think that bugs me more than anything. I've never been a Veronica Mars obsessie, but I've always enjoyed it - even this year. And as a MILD fan this pissed me off. I can't imagine how it feels to someone who was really, really into the show.
At least I will make one positive remark. They did take the time to crack Rob Thomas jokes. Who else thinks that Piz had entirely too much fun yelling out "Rob Thomas is a WHORE!" Awesome. Oh, and of course, because I'm a gullible, obsessive fan...I had a moment of "REALLY???? REALLY!!! ARE YOU SCREWING WITH ME????" when they first said the line about the MB20 reunion. Damn you Rob Thomas (of VM). Must you screw with me for your silly name joke!?!