Oct 12, 2005 05:54
Ive been doing a little thinking tonight, and id definitely have to classify myself as a dreamer.
Maybe back in the high school days that would be okay, but im in the "adult world" now, and i gotta grow up fast.
A dreamer has much hope, but every dreamer has their fair share of nightmares. Besides, if i were to dream my way through life id never be able to wake up and enjoy it for what it is. If I could enjoy it that is... (pessimistic sentence, sorry)
In any case, sleep is a battle. I think thats why my mind has decided to make up for my lost dreams with my constant bombardment of day dreams.(aka zoning out)
Pretty much been a battle since the second semester of my senior year. but now when i sleep i usually wake up depressed and nauseated. Why the nausea you ask? I DONT KNOW BUT IT SUCKS HUGE MONKEY BALLS... maybe im pregnant
wow, but seriously, anybody ever have a terrifying nightmare but then you wake up and your like super happy cause you know that the world really isnt that bad?
well, what would you do if you had constant dreams about someone who is right by your side and there, but when you wake up their not, and you know they never will be. At least not in this life. It sucks, and so does the subconcious mind for not giving me any control.
But like my statement up above, i do have a lot of hope, but i fear my optimism may be getting me into trouble. I cant keep bull-shitting myself and keep putting off stuff thinking it will be okay and pretty much ignore the problem until its not okay anymore.
Woe is the life of a dreamer who dreams for life, I cant let myself die a dreamer, id rather have memories than dreams.