[title] Waiting For Life To Begin
[author] Lire Casander
[beta] Unbeta'ed. Any remaining mistakes are my own fault.
[pairing] David Cook/Kyle Peek
[rating] PG -13
[word count] 396
[summary] For the first time in his life, Kyle Peek was at a loss for words.
[disclaimer] I don't own nor have ever met David Cook nor David Archuleta. Everything about them is completely fiction, and any similarity with reality is a mere coincidence.
[warnings] Suggestion.
[author's notes] So I was in Guadalajara, and one of the conferences was so boring, that I took my pen and a piece of paper and wrote this. It's the first of five ficlets I've written during my trip to Guadalajara in the beginning of May. Written for prompt #33 ~ thrilled from my
100_prompts prompt table. I hope you enjoy this!
For the first time in his life, Kyle Peek was at a loss for words. Peeking out from behind the curtain, the strength of the crowd waiting for them to take the stage took him by surprise. He hadn't expected so many people standing in front of the stage in the dim-lit venue that first stop in the tour. He came from a large city - Los Angeles was always bursting, wherever he looked - but it was his first time as a part of a band that managed to gather together so many people.
"Scared, Peek?" he heard at his back. He didn't need to turn around to know that David was staring down at him with an amused look in his eyes.
"Not much," he retorted. "This is very different from what I thought it'd be."
"I'm sorry this is so-small," David sighed. Kyle turned, finally, to meet that gaze.
"You're kidding, right?" he exclaimed.
"Well, I'm pretty sure you were expecting large audiences like the ones from the American Idol tour."
"David Roland Cook, this is fucking great," Kyle said slowly. "It's only our first show, and it's officially packed!"
David laughed. "I was afraid you thought it was too little, you know, after all I'm the American Idol."
"Not for long," Kyle counteracted wittily. David looked shocked for a second before stepping forward and resting his hand on Kyle's arm. "Tomorrow's Valentine's Day," Kyle added, lowering his voice.
"Consider this," David said, squeezing Kyle's arm lovingly. "Consider this my first Valentine's Day gift, Kyle."
Kyle smiled and leaned forward, standing on the tip of his toes to reach David's height, and he tried to kiss him. David crouched down and finally joined their lips on a kiss that was slow and lazy and all shades of what Kyle had expected from a kiss like this one from David Cook. He hummed happily into the kiss. "I don't have anything for you," Kyle suddenly realized.
"You can always reward my hard work later tonight," David was quick to reply. Kyle snickered and earned himself a smack in his ass.
"Count on it!" he exclaimed.
David took his hand and held on tightly, transmitting all he could with just a simple gesture, before letting go and taking his place to take the stage. Kyle couldn't stop grinning.
This was so going to be his year.