Mar 24, 2008 19:39
good news...
* L'Arc is finally going to have a Live in HK... and i love the new single "drink it down" ^^
* couple more days wait for mucc's new album...
bad news...
* plenty of rumours of "private" & "internal" sales of L'Arc's tickets have already sold out all the best seats before we could even get a chance to buy - public sale of tickets doesn't start until Apr... i'm seriously thinking of the possibility of skipping work that morning, to line up outside a ticket outlet , in order to get good seat - which i know plenty of ppl will be doing the same...
* and for some reason, L'Arc have also cancelled their plans to come to HK this month...
* also for some reason, i couldn't login to eljay at work... that means could only check in at cafe's, etc...