Dec 06, 2005 17:38
about 11C now? coldest day (yet) for this winter... which also serves as a reminder for me to start planning my x'mas spending/shopping...
i've already recieved invites for 2 parties/gathering, which i'm not sure if i would attend both yet... but i still need to set aside some cash for them just in case... i've already saved up a little for x'mas pressies, still need to save a few hundred bucks (HK dollars, of cos) more... which is not too bad... my main problem would be time... i'm busy this weekend, which left me just one weekend before the x'mas weekend to do all my x'mas shopping...
also, i would like to get some stuff for myself, since most of my friends/family will never buy them as x'mas pressie ^^... so yeah, hopefully i have enough time/money left for myself to get the following...
manga (released on Dec 2)
- Prince of Tennis vol. 31 (i've already pre-ordered the illustration book 30.5)
- Bleach vol. 20
- Death Note vol. 9
- Saint Seiya Perfect Collection vol. 1 & 2 (this is teh classic ^^ when this came out, there was no such thing as 'licensed' version, and i was only starting to learn japanese, so all we had was crappy hk/taiwan bootlegs...)
- mucc's new album 鵬翼 (i'll have to see if i could find the 1st press with the bonus cd)
- l'arc's awake & smile (i've only got the the us tour) tour dvd
and i'm sure there's more but i just haven't got time to check at the stores yet... and i would be lucky if i have enough money just to get all of these ^^