(no subject)

Jun 23, 2005 23:32

alrighty,well.. today most definatly went by fast.. due to the fact i woke up around 3ish... but anyways, layed there for a bit, got ready, went online, and thennn just chilled for a bit, then my mommi came and picked me up, and then went online, and watched tv... then i had to get ready for cheer practice.. and ya, went to practice and only 3 effin people showed up... outta 20. pathedic i no... but anyways, we got out early so me n kristy walked over to the game, and watched the boiis for a bit and talked to nikki and shanna, then they left, and i talked to rye for a bit.. ahh, i just love him:] but then.. my nona came and picked me up, and we went to 7-11, and i got a slurpee.. it was so good:] but then went to meijers and literally spent 20 minutes down the make up isle, then we finished shoppin.. .and yeah, we spent $27.63 on make up... JUST make up.. redicilious, i no.. haha. but anyways... came home, painted my mommis nails, and then did mine, went online, and talked to sum people... then made popcorn and went over to logans house. chilled there for a bit, then came home cuz i was gettin eatin alive by mosquitoes.. or h.e the heck you wanna spell it, so then yeah, came home and went back online, called josh, and talked to him for a bit, and did my make up.. he tells me i dont need it... but i think hes totally wrong.. but anyways, got off the fone w. him, and watched sum real world for a bit, then watched the pistons game... and now in sittin here doin this borin thing... cuz i have nothin else to do... so yeah....:-\:-\

I seriously L-O-V-E you Josh
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