May 06, 2006 12:37
"Once you've been tagged, you have to write
a blog with 8 facts/things/habits about
yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end
you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged
and list their names. No tag backs."
i actually did this once and lost it. soo here's for a second try.
mia double tagged me but i'm not sure if that means i have to do 16 or what so i'm starting out with 8. mia if you demand more let me know.
1. don't let my sweetness fool you, i'm very sarcastic.
2. don't let my sarcasm fool you, i'm very sweet. ;)
3. my current annoyance: i'm no angel or goddess of goodness. if you place me on a pedestal i'll only let you down. so just don't do it. i'm human too.
4. every dream i've ever had has fallen apart or been rearranged or confused somehow. that doesn't mean that i'm sad or distraught cuz the old one didn't work out, and it's not that i'm fickle. i'm just trying to figure things out and, as a matter of fact, i rather enjoy the process.
5. if i could change one thing about myself it would be to get more self discipline. that is one of my chief projects for the summer.
6. i just got my grades and they are as follows:
Human Species: A- (stupid exam stole my A)
Art of Cinema: A
Humanistic Tradition II: A
Spanish II: A
Ballroom Dance: Pass
This semester's GPA: 3.942 (stupid exam stole my 4.0)
Cumulative GPA: 3.805 (eh not too bad)
*note all my exams except ballroom dance were taken with a concussion. so BOOYA! i win!*
7. i smile all the time (with a few exceptions). if i'm happy or sad or angry or mad or crying or laughing. mostly i'm smiling. and my voice smiles too.
8. i still have the list. it was mildly revised but, i've still got it. and yes, you may laugh at me.
and i don't think i have 6 people to tag so i'm just quitting. i know every party needs a pooper that's why you invited me. i'm a party pooper. but if you'd like to do it by all means go for it!
It must have been love, but it's over now.
It must have been good, but I lost it somehow.
It must have been love, but it's over now.
From the moment we touched,'til the time had run out.