onto the second post of the day and the second installment of haiku. again i'm only going to write three because a) three is a good number, b) i am lazy and c) i'm having a hard time being creative at all right now so this is about the best that i can do. what a sad life i lead. i'm still mad that i forgot yesterday. D:
i'm falling behind
but there's still time to catch up;
thank god for summer.
the first time meeting,
she was wearing only white.
the third, she was red.
searching through closets
trying to find the answer.
instead i find clothes.
that's all i have in me for today. sorry this is short. ...PICTURE!
p.s. because today was mother's day, i spent it at my aunt's house up in new york. it was cool getting to see my family. my cousin nicola just got engaged, too! according to her she's finally giving my aunt hope for grandchildren XD