Aug 24, 2004 02:06
1.mathematics is the language of nature
2.everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers
3.if you graph these numbers,patterns emerge.therefore:there are patterns everywhere in nature
omg a so fucked up film. definetly more fucked up than requiem for a dream a must see. omg so so so disturbed! shaking right now. darren aronofsky is someone different, this movie cant be so so so what so I dont know so watch it.
Before watching it;
Fibonacci Numbers : A series of numbers found from the theory : "If someone puts a pair of bunny in a closed room and each pair of bunny can produce a new pair of bunnies each month and each bunny born can give birth to new bunnies in a month, how many bunnies will be in the walls in a year?" by italian mathamatician Leanordo Fibonacci
Golden Ratio : Take a line. Cut it to 2 pieces. The ratio of the big piece to the small piece is the same with the ratio of the line to the big piece. its 1.618... Da vinci used this alot
The film doesnt have that much to deal with pi actually. Pls watch it, if u have the guts :)
aww so good!
such a good film!
p.s. bit spoiler here
prefrontal lobotomy (dont sure of the spelling) dont look up the word, its a spoiler.