Dec 04, 2007 19:54
I was helping Mum get soft furnishings for the flat she's moving to.
She sees a duvet cover and decides it would be perfect for her new bedroom.
We get home, and she sees it out of the harsh strip-lighting at Soft Furnishings Warehouse.
"Oh! It's blue!"
"Yes, I know"
"But I thought it was purple"
"No, it's navy blue"
"You knew it was blue?"
"Why didn't you tell me it wasn't purple?"
"I didn't know you wanted a purple one"
"But you could see it was blue and you didn't tell me!"
"But I didn't know you thought it was purple"
"Of course I thought it was purple - it looked purple"
"It looked navy blue - which it is"
"Then why didn't you tell me?"