Today is going to be an interesting class... For one of the rarities in this course, you will be learning magic. Is anyone familiar with Augmentation magic?
I would assume not, it's rare magic, not really heard of by many. Also difficult to control for those really inexperianced with it. Now, shall we begin?
(Filtered to 1st through 6th years)
You can all see that there is a butcher knife on your desk. The reason being that these knives are cheap and I don't really care for the safety of them compared to the other knives I may possess. Now... Augments...where to start... I suppose a fire augment would be a good start for anyone.
The name for casting the spell is "Augo Inflammo" Now, let's see.
(Filtered to 7th years)
Alright, now listen. The augment I will be teaching you is very difficult to cast, let alone control. It affects you physically more than anything, since it is your own being that you are casting the spell on. The first one you are going to learn is more or less considered a speed augment, it increases the capability of your reflexes and running speed, that sort of thing. Now, in order to perform this properly, you need a large amount of focus, and probably be fit enough to endure it, since even though magic is making you move quicker, you still use require energy to move, and the quicker you are moving, the more energy you consume.
If you have any doubt that you aren't fit enough to do this without passing out, I suggest you just sit it out. As for those that are confident, the incantation is "Augo Propero". Now, so no one gets killed during this, I am going to have to ask you to do it one at a time when I ask you, and I will test to see if you have done it properly by throwing a punch at you. Any questions? If not, let's get to it.
((I am fully aware that I have already done that lesson for those under 7th years. But I felt that we had new players, so I might as well redo it for them.))