Sexy photos. I'm don't listen to any hip hop or rap or well I guess punk either. Garage punk maybe? Mainly I listen to free jazz, prog, electronica, lounge, dance, foreign, hard rock, contemporary metal and folk, folk, and trip hop - often mixed together in numerous combinations. Take for example The Mars Volta's last album - Frances the Mute - a psychotic ride through a stream of consciousness of prog metallic rock and free jazz. Excellent.
I wrote you an e-mail recently. If your address has changed, let me know. We should meet up and do something sometime to talk. I just had a metaphysics - philosophy - midterm and am exhausted. I'll be updating my journal for the first time in six months this week so stay posted.
I don't listen to rap or hip hop fact, I despise it...but unfortunatley I am SURROUNDED by it in residence and I hate to admit this but I am actually starting to not mind it! How embarrassing is that? I definitley want to see you soon, I haven't seen you since the summer. My last exam is on the 15th I believe (I have to double check) we will definitley get together for sure :)
The exam schedule hasn't even been posted here yet; it might have, I'll need to double check. Well what would be very interesting is if I came over to York one day while you were there, picked you up, you packed maybe a pillow/blanket and toothbrush/paste in a bag, and we came back to my residence. I could provide a pillow actually. We went downtown for a bit, avoiding too much walking because of what you're carrying, and then came to my place to sleep over. We could watch dvds on my laptop, eat Greek take-out, and talk all night if we wanted to - I'm nocturnal. All we need to do is plan a date when we're both free and in residence.
Actually I believe there is a bus that goes from York right to your campus (the buses at York go EVERYWHERE). It sounds like an awesome idea :) "and talk all night if we wanted to - I'm nocturnal." Haha cute :)
I really am nocturnal. It's terrible and lately I've been sleeping a lot, but during the day. I'll sleep in during the morning, then follow with a nap in the middle of the afternoon, and then at times a short nap in the evening. Despite all this, I still feel tired. I think I've just fucked up my body with how I'm resting. The times are all warped. Now I've missed my lecture and tutorial for today because I felt sick - chills, feverish, nausea - last night and ended up sleeping in until two o'clock in the afternoon. This has to stop. My attendence to my lectures is really suffering because I fall asleep and don't bother waking up half the time.
I think that there is a bus that comes here, but I only recognize it as a GO bus. Well maybe it makes more sense to drop things off here and then go downtown, but it's a long commute.
I wrote you an e-mail recently. If your address has changed, let me know. We should meet up and do something sometime to talk. I just had a metaphysics - philosophy - midterm and am exhausted. I'll be updating my journal for the first time in six months this week so stay posted.
I think that there is a bus that comes here, but I only recognize it as a GO bus. Well maybe it makes more sense to drop things off here and then go downtown, but it's a long commute.
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