The Great Pangolin Conversion of 2005, part II

Sep 19, 2005 20:28


I am again issuing the conversion challenge. This time, for your convenience, I have included the World Pantheist Movement belief statement. I agree with its points to varying degrees. I'm not necessarily dedicated to the WPM as an organization, but rather recently came across their webpage and discovered that it pretty much jived with what I've come to believe after much examination of various world religions and philosophies. The central focus is a naturalistic spirituality. My primary "religious" expression and celebration manifests through art and music.

So. You could call me a Natural Pantheist. If you would like to 'convert me', please state to what you are trying to convert me, and demonstrate how it is a better/truer/more useful view. If you require further clarification of any of my particular beliefs, please ask, and I'll try to provide clarification.

Here are the belief statements of the WPM, with my commentary.

1. We revere and celebrate the Universe as the totality of being, past, present and future. It is self-organizing, ever-evolving and inexhaustibly diverse. Its overwhelming power, beauty and fundamental mystery compel the deepest human reverence and wonder.
Universe here also includes possible other universes, dimensions, etc. which may be discovered/proven. 'Inexhaustibly' is also not an absolute claim for me here.

2. All matter, energy, and life are an interconnected unity of which we are an inseparable part. We rejoice in our existence and seek to participate ever more deeply in this unity through knowledge, celebration, meditation, empathy, love, ethical action and art.
Adequately stated.

3. We are an integral part of Nature, which we should cherish, revere and preserve in all its magnificent beauty and diversity. We should strive to live in harmony with Nature locally and globally. We acknowledge the inherent value of all life, human and non-human, and strive to treat all living beings with compassion and respect.
Generally, I agree. The last sentence contains a lot of implications which are not necessarily central to my personal philosophy. I agree with it, but only as limited by practical necessity.

4. All humans are equal centers of awareness of the Universe and nature, and all deserve a life of equal dignity and mutual respect. To this end we support and work towards freedom, democracy, justice, and non-discrimination, and a world community based on peace, sustainable ways of life, full respect for human rights and an end to poverty.
Equal is nebulous terminology here. Insofar as it means that humans have a limited and closely related range of awareness of the universe, etc., it works.

5. There is a single kind of substance, energy/matter, which is vibrant and infinitely creative in all its forms. Body and mind are indivisibly united.
Slightly new-agey in statement, but generally true. Insert quantum physics. Not necessarily sure about the absoluteness of 'infinetely creative', but I'll go with 'more than can be reasonably calculated.'

6. We see death as the return to nature of our elements, and the end of our existence as individuals. The forms of "afterlife" available to humans are natural ones, in the natural world. Our actions, our ideas and memories of us live on, according to what we do in our lives. Our genes live on in our families, and our elements are endlessly recycled in nature.
Pretty straightforward.

7. We honor reality, and keep our minds open to the evidence of the senses and of science's unending quest for deeper understanding. These are our best means of coming to know the Universe, and on them we base our aesthetic and religious feelings about reality.
How one 'honors reality' is a little nebulous, otherwise ok.

8. Every individual has direct access through perception, emotion and meditation to ultimate reality, which is the Universe and Nature. There is no need for mediation by priests, gurus or revealed scriptures.

9. We uphold the separation of religion and state, and the universal human right of freedom of religion. We recognize the freedom of all pantheists to express and celebrate their beliefs, as individuals or in groups, in any non-harmful ritual, symbol or vocabulary that is meaningful to them.
Not so much a belief statement as an organizational statement.

Anywho, there it is. Have at it again.
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