Since just about every debate involving christianity devolves eventually into "well, they aren't REAL christians," just who ARE the Real Christians(TM)? When you claim any given group is, please provide biblical as well as concrete proof that can't be used against who you just said (with reversing if necessary) was the Real Deal
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*Being Christian does not exempt "us" (being my brothers and sisters) from sinning, but accepting his Grace allows atonement for those sins.
*Christ's intention for his church was for one church. These divisions were never to be a part of the Church.
*This is something many Christians disagree with me on, but I believe at this point whole-heartedly- every denomination has misinterpretations, and even heresies in it. The amazing thing about Jesus is, he will forgive us even those so long as we accept his Grace, which in part means not idolizing the heresies. When we're judged, getting up there and saying "nono Jesus- I'm supposed to goto purgatory now," but there isn't one or vise-versa, you've missed the point. ;)
So who are real Christians? John 1:12, "yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God- children born not of natural descent, nor of a human decision or a husbands will, but born of God."
Also in one reply is mentioned the authority of scripture, which is a tough subject to handle but I look at it this way- God WANTS us to be able to have a relationship with him, so He inspired the Word and directed it's coming together for generations to be able to meet Him through it. Some say, "these people threw out several books when putting it together." To which I reply- the christian community in its early days was tight and would not allow any regulatory council under the king to throw out what they have been using for ages. Were there books that didn't make the cut so-to-speak? Of course, Gospel of Thomas for one. But those books were not used in the church, but by other churches with a different message then the core of Jesus Christ as Savior of the world. (so to answer the original question- they weren't christians) But another thing to remember is Christians believe when they accept Christ the holy spirit dwells in them, and as such it's possible for God to work through them. The Canonization is important enough for some micromanagement on His part many including myself believe. But Canon isn't what This post was about so I'll end my longwindedness for now and return to it.
Conclusion: God is bigger than any denomination. Every denomination gets things wrong. Real Christians can come from all over, and come in many different shapes and sizes and different maturity levels (some make me roll my eyes quite often, but they are still my brothers and sisters.) ;)
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