Things Are Going To Slide

Aug 04, 2012 07:20

Things Are Going To Slide

People keep suggesting that hundreds of years from now most of the citizens of the future will look back and regard the fight for same-sex marriage in the same favorable way that most of today's citizens regard racial integration as a good thing. And maybe they will. But I think there will also be serious negative repercussions for the church. Why on earth should these hypothetical citizens of the future have any respect or love for Jehovah? In order to avoid some serious cognitive dissonance, the Bible wouldn't just need to be re-interpreted, it would need to be re-written. One can make a case that Jehovah was in the business of freeing the Chosen People from slavery. But one simply can't make the case that Jehovah was in the business of marrying gays and lesbians without some serious self-deception. It doesn't just require a re-interpretation of scripture, it requires re-writing scripture. So if the Church exists at all in 500 years, and these hypothetical citizens are indeed grateful for being enlightened out of the Church's social backwardness, they will have re-invented God to fit society's image of what God ought to be, not what the biblical God actually is.

And my question is: Why bother with the biblical God at all?
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