(no subject)

May 14, 2005 11:59

I got interviewed by immelsbitch

1. How are you feelings right now?
My feelings are mixed.. I'm confused, happy, sad, bored, and a bunch of others.. it sucks!
2. Who do you think is the hottest person on earth?
Joel Madden.. or Jake Richardson.. I can't decide!
3. What's your favorite movie?
Thirteen without a doubt.
4. How far would you go with a significant other on a first date?
ummm.. touchy feely shit probably.. no sex though..!
5. Do you love me?
Of course.. I love everyone!!! Lol.

Everybody else I think you know what to do.. if you wanna be interviewed leave me a comment saying "interview me", and then you have to answer the questions honestly. <333
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