[Yuuka has decided to take a lovely stroll today. One excuse for it is to get her legs working properly again after being in bed for so long. But the true purpose of her stroll is to present herself in challenge of sorts. She knows what happened on Mother's Day...and with all the talk of Father's Day today she's assuming the same things may
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But hark! Someone to talk to in person! He approaches her.]
So what's the deal with these holidays?
To be honest, I don't understand them myself. However the town does like to make fun things happen when they come around.
Now, are you going to introduce yourself properly to a lady of higher station before continuing?
Higher station? Do you have any idea who I am? I doubt it; you seem ignorant.
Do you have any idea who I am? I doubt it, you do seem ignorant.
So it's only natural for me to inform you of your place before you embarrass yourself further.
Well, I've never heard of you. Though I would have to admit your name is quite appealing. [After saying that, Dist may notice a rose that has sprouted from nowhere in his hair.]
Though no human could possibly be of higher station of a Youkai of my standing, so I would suggest you watch your manners child.
You may address me as Kazami-dono.
[It takes him a moment to notice that he now has a flower on his head, and when he does he pulls it down and gives Yuuka an odd look.]
How did you do that?
[Surprise, the flower in his hand seems to have multiplied into four, growing off from the original like branches on a tree.]
I suppose it is. I am gorgeous and brilliant, after all.
So I'm curious...exactly what is your station?
[Back on Auldrant he hadn't flaunted his God-General status very much; he was well-known enough to not have to. Here, though, it made him feel like he had claim to a certain amount of legitimacy.
...Well, former God-General status, but that was beside the point. He is still Very Important, thank you.]
Is your station so important if you are easily killed? I'm sure you are quite replaceable.
[Good job, you found a sore nerve!]
Did they now? To be needed denotes a higher status? To be needed is to simply be used and discarded...like a dishrag...or a tool you use until it breaks.
To be the strongest is the only true higher status. You...are likely just a broken tool.
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