"Conure is a project of Mark Wilson who lives in San Francisco. In May 2000, he started this project after a period of being a music consumer. He released a lot of CDRs at different labels. Strings, Locations is the third CD at Edgetone Records. In the beginning, he used more electronics and software to create noise. For now he uses guitars, field-recordings, pedals, mic'ed sounds and objects, and keyboard. The CD has four compositions which are recorded and mixed from February to August 2010. The CD is full of noise, but in an slow way. Not as a smash in the face, but as a constant tone and as a pressure to make an ambiance of filthy sounds. The music is intense and ends with some repeating dark tones in a drony way. The first track is my favorite, cause of the mix of recognizable field-recordings and added electronic sounds. The artwork is great, with beautiful pictures of the city. Especially the inner-sleeve is great, by sixties-alike black and white photography of nightlife. Great release of the noise-maker from the States."
Vital Weekly