Bok Bok..cluck.. CHIKKIES!

Apr 20, 2010 23:14

They're trying to get backyard chicken keeping legalized here in Winnipeg. As it's legal in NYC, Vancouver and other cities, the push for BYCCs is gaining momentum.

Below is my post to the FB Group, 'Chickens for Winnipegers' (Yep! There's only one 'G' in the group's name!)

'I had Japanese Quail for several years and if anything, they're quite similar to chickens in several ways, although much smaller. It was awesome living with the critters, having them as pets and working as a co-operative unit with them. It gave me a better understanding of my connection to the land . I saw them- and their eggs - less as a commodity that was bought as an object on the shelf and had more respect for the farmers and the animals that produce our food as a result. In a society where kids think Tomatoes come from a grocery store and don't know that  they grow on vines, allowing individuals this type of access to hens - the same type of access I had with my Quail - will certainly help change attitudes city folk have about farms. In a world where we always worry about where our food comes from and about the care of the animals that produce it, having backyard chickens also grants individuals greater control over what they eat and its quality.'

Apparently there's a LOT of city kids out there who honestly think the grocery store is where food comes from and don't know that it comes form animals and other living life forms O.o. I grew up picking blueberries and tomatoes. We always had a family garden as a kid, plus an uncle worked/lived on numerous ranches and farms when I was younger. My grandfather worked on farm. I went fishing with my dad and loved watching him clean the fish. We helped him catch bait. You can understand my shock.. no HORROR -  that kids don't know something as simple as 'potatoes grow in the ground'.

On another note - Had Aaerro out for a pee earlier in the eve. Ah yes! Another 'Life in the Ghetto' story! I was starting to walk towards the garbage bins to get the brat to crap when one of the townhouse neighbors yells something. I have no idea if it was at me or the kids behind me. Sounded like he said 'Are you going to pick that up?!'. I turn around, waiting for him to say more. When he doesn't respond, I ask 'Huh?' and the guy gives in the communal lawn so it probably was aimed at me. Someone probably complained. I'm confused by the guy's comment because most of my neighbors already know I'm religious about cleaning up after Aaerro.  I can understand him wanting me to scoop as the kids literally slid through piles - and I mean PILES - of doggy crap not cleaned up by the family with 2 poodles. A virtual land mine field. It grossed me out and I've put up with some pretty revolting things! I damn near always clean up, with the exceptions where I have no crap bags or there's nothing to pick up. If this guy did expect me to clean up... um, short of freezing it,  how the hell do you pick up dog piss? **blinks, with an amused but confused look on her face**

More amusing things will happen tomorrow, I'm sure :) Primus... feels really nice being sane and happy for a change!

chickens, farms

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