Jun 01, 2006 11:17
So I saw X-Men 3 last Saturday with my mom, while my dad and brother saw Over the Hedge. It was really good! Not so much with the plot or dialouge, but awesome with the characters and special effects! The entire movie was basically a fight scene and showing off cool mutant powers. I SO want to be Kitty Pryde. She can walk through walls!
But before we went to see the movie, my Dad, brother, and I bought Barney's Freezers. Triple Vanilla, Mocha, and White Chocolate, respectively. Now, there's this giant sign outside the theatre (it's in the mall) that says 'No Outside Food or Drinks'. We always assumed they meant outside the MALL because you can practiclly see Barney's from the theatre. Besides, we've gotten away with it at least twice before. So we walk up and give the lady are tickets. She says we have to finish our drinks because we are only allowed to buy food from the concession stands. Which is a rip off because the theatre doesn't HAVE awesome coffee drinks. I mean, it's not like we brought popcorn, soda, nachos, hot dogs, and candy in from a resturaunt or something. So my mom went in and got seats for her and I, and my dad and brother are standing out side with me trying to drink these huge things in 20 minutes, like I was planning on enjoying this gradually throughout the movie. Long story short, brain freeze, and we did it!
Oh, and I have a talk today, 'In what ways will the truth set one free'. The householder still hasn't gotten a chance to go over it with me. I emailed her the talk, which she got, and then my number. I called her yesterday but she never called back, but I'll try her again today. At least we'll get to go over it before the meeting, but I'm not to worried.
You can read it here:
H: So, Debra it’s good to find you home again. We had an interesting discussion last time, did you think of any questions after I left?
D: Yes, you mentioned that you felt your religion was the Truth. Now I know it says in the Bible, I’m not sure where, that ‘the Truth will set you free’. Could you explain how your religion will set you free?
H: Actually it’s the Truth found in the Bible that will set you free. Now let’s look at that scripture. Would you read John 8:31, 32?
D: (reads John 8:31, 32)
H: Even the apostles asked that question, could you continue reading vss 33-36?
D: (continues reading)
H: Someone who practices sin is a slave to sin, and therefore not free.
D: But everybody sins, how can we be free from that?
H: The Truth that frees people is the truth about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It is only by faith in the sacrifice of Jesus perfect human life that anyone can be freed from sin and death. This point is made at Romans 3:23, 24 (read) So we see that the Truth about Jesus and his role in God’s purpose brings freedom. But even now, accepting and obediently submitting to Bible Truth enables us to enjoy a measure of freedom from fear and dispair, and all sorts of harmful practices.
D: That sounds nice but how is that possible?
H: Well, let’s talk about fear first. What is a common teaching by various religions that keep people from doing what’s wrong?
D: That the bad people will suffer eternally in Hell after death.
H: Exactly, but the Truth from the Bible shows that this can’t be possible. Let’s look at Eccl 9:5. Would you read that one also?
D: (reads Eccl 9:5)
H: The Truth frees us from false teachings about what happens to us after death. Also we need not be too concerned about world conditions today, because the Truth from the Bible helps us to understand why wickedness exists and that it will soon be wiped off the Earth. We find this encouraging promise at Psalm 37:10, 11. Could you read that one too?
D: (reads Ps 37:10. 11)
H: In addition to this wonderful hope for the future, the Truth from the Bible can help us today in many practical ways. For instance, showing self sacrificing love can improve relationships with others. We can avoid drunkeness, sexual immorality, tobacco and addictive drugs by following Bible principles. Being honest, industrious and dependable as employees can help us keep our jobs. This is all a result of applying the Truth from the Bible.
D: Wow, that’s a lot of things!
H: We don’t have time now to go into the scriptural basis for all of these things but we can go over that, or maybe just one in more detail, when I come back.
D: That’s sounds great! I’m looking forward to it.
It's not very good, I had to do the whole thing in about in hour. I think it's okay though, at least it's in the back.
Only a week and a day until I leave for California! I'm bringing my Biology teacher Mr. Brock's stuffed Monkey, her name is Mon-Kee, to take pictures in famouse Holly wood places.