(no subject)

Jun 18, 2007 20:10

Graduated vocational school today. Got a $275 scholarship for UNCG and a fifty dollar reward for the Outstanding Student Award for Electronic Art. Mr. Vassallo really gave good mentions of me before calling my name for my diploma. It was nice, really gave me a better idea of what I've accomplished, since it’s always been hard for me to actually look at my own work as achievements.

Now my time here is coming to an end, as all things do. I will be visiting the vocational one last time tomorrow to drop of a few more things I borrowed from Mr. Vassallo. OCC has been over for a month or so now, including Studio Theater, marking the end of my short lived job at the OCC TV Studio, and my time spent working with many of the fine actors at Studio Theater. High School has been over for a year now, and from what I hear it hasn't changed all that much. My time learning from Cornish has been over for a month now as well, as good of a teacher as he was. And in two weeks the end of my time as a member of Skills USA will end as this year’s national competition comes to an end.

Things at home are a little rocky now, as my father is going to be entering the hospital again next week while I am away at Kansas City. My sister and mom have bonded a lot, more so as my bonds with my mother break now that I am going away.

North Carolina, only 12 days away. Six, if you not include the time I'll be spending in Kansas City. I haven't spent much time saying good bye, nor have I begun to look back.

Things come to an end, some more abrupt than others. I've had fun, I've been miserable, I've been in love and I've been in despair. But none of this is new, nor is it foreign. It's not unexpected, it's not called for. But it's there, its here, its gone. And so am I.

Last things to do before I leave are pretty much laid out.  Finish the Skills USA video for nationals, includes extra features, and a new box layout.  Need to make several more copies of the HellCab DvD and distribute them out. Need to finish filming n00besauce this week. Need to pack up my things for Kansas City. And the rest of my things for North Carolina. Film a big party my mom is having Saturday. And then I'm done. North Carolina awaits, with a life as new as it can get.
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