I'm doing my fourth year psychology thesis on Jewish identity. I need over 100 people to fill out my survey. It is online at:
click here The criteria for being a participant are being Jewish and being between the ages of 15 and 27 years of age. The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete (and it’s mostly multiple choice). You can exit the survey at any time. It is totally anonymous- I will not know how people answered or even if they filled out the survey. Since it is impossible to identify participants, please answer honestly. An ‘Informed Consent’ form will appear before the survey and a ‘Debriefing’ form will appear following the survey to provide more information about the study. Finally, if you forward the survey to Jewish friends please tell me approximately how many people you sent the link to. (It helps me calculate the response rate.)
If you have any questions, please email me (durbomatic@hotmail.com).
Thanks so much for your help!!! I really appreciate it!!!
Anna Durbin.