So, my dear friends, it has been thirty weeks since I last utilitized this tool, and I am regretful I have wasted so much of my time in that period. I have done a great harm to myself in foregoing my friendships and the complicated networks of history and hope built up over the last six years. I miss so many people right now, busy with the life I have at the moment, working every day, constant movement with no distance travelled is slowly extingquishing my soul and those who I once relied upon to rekindle it have been left to the wayside with little more than negative commentary and no solidarity from myself.
I apologize, you people are my life's blood and I hope that in the future I will prove to you I am as much as friend as I am a comrade, and worthy of your patience and love.
The only thing I can do is fill you in on the details that consumed thirty weeks of work, planning, loss, and success...
* Idle Kids transformed into No Borders! Info Shop and Radical Resource Center;
from there the project lived a three month life with good fanfare, press in all major Detroit newspapers and minor ones, and died by the hands of liberal grant gangsters known as the CCNDC; a clever tool of gentrification that uses the poor as a syphon to bring in money to rebuild urban cores, not for the poor, but for monied interests hoping to bring in upper class hipsters, yuppies, and university cash for the ends of profit and greed. We did many tens of thousands of dollars of free labor for the CCNDC, fixed and repaired much a building ten years ago condemned, and for our work a swift kick out the door and a brand new office space for the CCNDC staff (our old infoshop, newly renovated at our expense). The collective disbanded and is in loose contact, a new group with people from Lansing and Detroit is now forming to open a new anarchist project on the Southwest side (likely...)..
* I turned 24, six more years til thirty and a couple less hairs on my head.
* I've a job that pays decently enough, takes a lot of my personal time away from living life and 'the struggle,...' but will work out in the end for something much better.
* I now reside in Southwest Detroit, otherwise was known as 'Mexican Town,' where I am the caucasion, non-spanish speaking minority; the people are amazing and their spirits commendable. Unfortunently I think I might accidentally get lumped into the schmuckery of the white land lords who bleed so many here on rent and are constantly bringing the paid for 13th precinct police officers into their otherwise decent neigborhoods.
* Work with local GMB of the IWW, an amazing worker run union that does solidarity work.
* Joined the recently begun Detroit Anarchist Black Cross, a prison abolitionist group.
* I am still living with/growing with my partner, Michelle, and we are doing great. She's still a dagger, sharp and deadly quick.
* I miss my Mount Pleasant comrades, those who still reside there and those who have flown in to the diaspora, I hope you are winning where ever it is you have chosen to fight and that our paths' will cross soon.
I can update you all on the more banal aspects soon enough, and I promise to attempt, yeah... sounds weak...., attempt to keep in contact. There is so much more to catch up on and I am dying to hear your stories.
Love, solidarity, and the triumph of the revolutionary will,