Anarchist Regional Potluck February 5th

Jan 28, 2005 21:01

Anarchist Regional Potluck February 5th

3535 Cass (Corner of MLK)
Detroit, MI 48209

On February 5th Detroit members of Earth First!, Anarchist Black Cross, and the Sweetwater Alliance will be hosting a regional “anarchist potluck” at the Idle Kids Bookstore.

All persons’ who self-identify as anarchists are invited to come out, socialize, network, and eat good food cooked by fellow anarchists. There will be no keynote speakers, bands, or structured events; this is not a workshop, conference, seminar, reading group, or benefit, but rather a call for the strengthening of the greater anarchist community, a sharing of current and on going projects, as well as an opportunity to catch up with old comrades and to meet new ones.

Too often we, as anarchists, find ourselves marginalized as the fringe component to liberal agendas, constantly putting our ideals and values on the back burner in the service of interests not entirely our own. This potluck has been called for so that we might begin the first painful steps in drawing together and expanding the anarchist community in our area.

So come on out to Detroit, bring a meal to share, a mind to think, and a body to do the work that needs to be done. Together the vision of a non-authoritarian, egalitarian, and stateless society can become a possibility.

• Housing is available, email us or call ahead of time please.
• Contact Phone: 313.838.8488
o Email: or
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