Hello .... was LJ was great, but now.....

Jan 03, 2016 11:28

This was originally a sticky, first written in Oct. 2012. I have since (Jan. 2016), decided to come back and at least finish all the prompts I've signed up for. Going to be a long haul.

I will be mainly here, Dreamwidth and Insane Journal. I am hoping LJ has improved some.

Plurk ended up being too much to keep up with and understand. Sometimes I can get tumblr, sometimes I can't, varying with what device I'm on as well. I don't think I have touched the blogs.


(Edited on 12/5/2012)
I am now also at:
Insane Journal: http://controls-lady.insanejournal.com/
Dreamwidth: http://theresa-ramseyer.dreamwidth.org/
Plurk: http://www.plurk.com/tramseyer
Tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/dashboard

I love Insane Journal and Dreamwidth. Definitely need more people at IJ. I see I still need to learn how to use Plurk and Tumblr properly. Also have a blog at Blogger and one at Word Press, but have not posted at either for a very, very long time. I may change this again someday, when I have had time to go through and update them.

(original entry below - my feelings have not changed.)


LJ's news posts etc. feed into my inbox, and all the other notifications go through my email. So I didn't see the newest posting or links to the Daily Dot articles until last night. I am sad, unhappy, and angry; discontented seemed to be the best to fit the bill.

It's never been easy to share things about myself, and it was even less so back when I started with LJ several years ago. I've done a lot of lurking and reading, and several times slowly started considering opening up more and being more active. I was badly burnt somewhere else, and that didn't help matters.

Plus then LJ simply started falling apart. I waited and watched, hoping that when the different fallouts (Strikethrough, Boldout, etc.) settled, things would go back to normal and/or get better. Didn't happen, LJ went the other way.

Now I've read the new news post, the responses,and the other articles. I'm sad because LJ once held such hope for me, and now I'm leaving most of my communities and planning to shift more to Insane Journal and Dreamwidth, and going back for another look at Plurk and Tumblr, mentioned in the Daily Dot articles.

Unfortunately, I can't leave LJ permanently. I have friends here I want to keep track of, several people that I'd like to be friends with, and I have writing promises that I want to see through. So I will continue to read and post, but LJ won't be my first stop anymore.


PS. And by the way, LJ? The site is NOT faster to load than it was, by any means.
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