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pinkribbons March 27 2010, 20:33:26 UTC
[Yuzu is at home when she hears Atsuro's voice through the journal. At first the message confuses her - he's gone? Who's gone, Naoya? That would be a good thing - but then Naoya himself answers and it's obvious who he really meant.

She decides to just abandon the book and run up the stairs.]


controlroute March 27 2010, 20:39:27 UTC
[Atsuro hears someone coming up the stairs; it's not a stretch to assume it's her, but understandably, he doesn't really feel like leaping up to greet her. His door is open though.]



pinkribbons March 27 2010, 22:27:54 UTC
[She comes through the door. She's relieved to see him, but the 'welcome back' can wait. Or at least she thinks so.] What do you mean, gone?


controlroute March 28 2010, 04:10:53 UTC
Gone. His room's completely cleaned out. He went back.


pinkribbons March 28 2010, 05:01:13 UTC
[Yuzu stares at him.] That's not funny, Atsuro...

[But it's obvious she doesn't mean what she's saying, as she immediately turns to go throw open the door to the other room. Just as he said, it's completely empty.]


controlroute March 28 2010, 05:17:39 UTC
No, it isn't. [He mumbles to himself quietly as she goes to see for herself. It would be sick for someone to play around with their friends' emotions like that, but somehow, he can't help but wish that it was a joke anyway.]


pinkribbons March 28 2010, 05:24:30 UTC
[eventually, she comes back, looking subdued. And after a pause...]

...What do we do now?


controlroute March 28 2010, 05:45:13 UTC
...I guess we wait. There's not really much else we can do, is there?


pinkribbons March 28 2010, 05:50:35 UTC
[she doesn't seem happy about that.] But if he's home and we aren't...


controlroute March 28 2010, 06:24:54 UTC
Time is stopped as long as we're here. At least really slowed down, anyway. He won't even know we aren't there... it's a depressing thought, but it's him that really matters.


pinkribbons March 28 2010, 07:31:17 UTC
Ugh... who do they think they are, toying with us like this?!


controlroute March 28 2010, 07:55:33 UTC
I don't know. All I know is that I'm tired of untouchable forces messing with our lives. At least we could do something about it back in Tokyo.

...Dammit. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be complaining to you like this. [Chivalry's not dead, it's just tired. He'll have a brave face ready for tomorrow.]


pinkribbons March 28 2010, 07:59:17 UTC
It's not your fault.

[and finally, she notices how exhausted he looks.] ...Are you okay? They didn't do anything too weird, did they?


controlroute March 28 2010, 08:13:12 UTC
I think so. I don't remember anything, but if they did any permanent damage, I haven't noticed it yet.


pinkribbons March 28 2010, 20:49:16 UTC
That's not very comforting. [she's trying to look annoyed, because it's easier than being depressed. It's not working entirely.] You'll tell me if you do notice anything, right?


controlroute March 29 2010, 20:37:06 UTC
Well, I'm not a doctor. [It's not entirely clear whether that was a poor attempt at a joke or just a plain statement. Guess neither of them really have their hearts in it.] Sure. I don't think I could hide something serious anyway.

[...Oh, screw it. Their mutual bff disappeared, it feels wrong to just sit there awkwardly.] If... if you need to talk about it, I'm here. I don't really feel like sleeping now anyway.


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