010 - christmas gifts! [action?/voice]

Dec 25, 2009 02:10

[Hero: A pair of white earmuffs with wire shaped like cat ears on the headband. Look familiar? You have no idea how much of a pain in the ass it was to make this, Hero. Appreciate it for all its dorkiness.
Yuzu: A pink scarf, because she likes pink clothes and he doesn't want to get her something that there's a lot of room to mess up on as far as size and fashion sense go. As well, that crème caramel he promised her all those years ago. He's been practicing, so it should actually be pretty good.
Naoya, Minato, Haruki, Yosuke, KAITO: Kuri kinton candies, sweet potatoes and sweet chestnuts all mashed up together into little blobby shapes. He's not quite good enough to make them look perfectly pretty, so some of them are a little deformed, but they taste good. To him. He originally decided to make them with Naoya in mind, but he figured he might as well make enough for everyone so he didn't have to come up with thoughtful gifts. Naoya gets a few more than the others though, because he's Naoya.]

Whew. That was a lot of cooking. I almost didn't finish in time. Hope you all like your presents!

yeah i totally know japan

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