Aliunde Application

Jul 09, 2010 04:37

Player Information
Name: Amber
Personal LJ: liesinvengence
AIM/MSN: AIM; apieceofheaven3 // MSN;
Time zone: EST/ GMT-5
Other Characters Rikku (hyper_thief)

Character Information
Name: Egwene al’Vere
Fandom: Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
Point Taken: After meeting with Nynaeve in Tel’aran’rhoid, the world of dreams.
Personality: Egwene al’Vere is the youngest of five to father Bran and mother Marin. She was born and raised in the small village of Emond’s Field, a small town in Two Rivers. Emond’s Field is a quaint, isolated place with the Swine, a long and treacherous mountain range, to the west of them, and long walk to the east. Two Rivers is the perfect example of a place that everyone knows one another. Most of the children knew each other, and most, if not all, were close friends. She has four other sisters, all of whom treat her like she is a baby and cannot do things on her own. Always setting out to prove them wrong, she always worked the hardest, and got the most praise from others.

Egwene is considered pretty by all the boys in the town, her know-it-all attitude a normal thing for the women of the village. She stands rather short, roughly around five foot one or two. But what she doesn’t have in height she takes up for in her attitude and authority. She just reached the age of eighteen when the story starts, as she just gained the right to wear her curly brunette hair in a long braid, a sign of maturity. She is spoiled in the fact that women have the last word, as the village is completely ran by the Women’s Circle, a group of the most influential females in the village. She can often be a tad bit rash in thinking, but she’s considerably level-headed compared to how Nynaeve is in that subject.
Background: Before Moiraine Damodred and A’Lan Mandragoran came to Two Rivers, Egwene was not doing anything spectacular; she was an apprentice to the local Wisdom Nynaeve al’Meara, one of the most feared women in the village. A Wisdom is a woman, always a woman, who has the ability to work well with almost any kind of plant and herb, making various concoctions, both good and bad. Almost all Wisdoms claim to have the ability to Listen to the Wind, though most cannot. Egwene is one who actually can, which is why she was in apprenticeship with Nynaeve.

A week before Winternight, Moiraine and Lan arrive in Emond’s Field, claiming to be traveling the land. While in actuality, they were searching for the Dragon Reborn, the one man who could channel, something that was frowned apon, and destroy the Dark One and the Forsaken. They suspected that the Dragon Reborn was in Emond’s Field, and their suspicions were confirmed when, on the eve of Winternight, Trollocs and at least one Myrddraal attacked the village. With Lan and Moiraine’s help, the village was able to defeat the monsters with little causalities. One mentioned causality was Rand’s father, Tam al’Thor. During the night, Moiraine decides to take the three boys, Rand al’Thor, Matrim (Mat) Cauthon, and Perrin Aybara, to get away from the small village, and figure out which one is really the Dragon Reborn. Egwene, stumbling apon them in the stables, convinces Moiraine to let her travel along. Unknowingst to her, Moiraine sensed Egwene’s potential ability to be able to channel, to touch one or all of the five elements and control them.

Traveling with Moiraine, Egwene began to learn the basics of channeling, how to control it, and make sure she didn’t touch the One Source too much in fear of draining herself. The small group was soon joined by Nynaeve, who hunted after the four of them, and Moiraine sensed the ability to channel in her, too. They started traveling, where they were going only Moiraine and Lan knew, it becoming clearer and clearer that the three boys were ta’veren, someone who the Wheel of Time weaves around the destiny of all in the world. Basically, the Wheel makes events happen depending on where the ta’veren are and doing.

In the beginning of their journey, they also discover Nynaeve was sent after the group to rescue the boys and Egwene, and once finding out that she could not get them to come back, consent to tagging along and protecting the natives. About half way to their destination, Tar Falon, home of the Aes Sedai, the Trollocs and numerous Fades split them up. Egwene manages to be with Perrin, and they set off together on their journey to Caemlyn. On the way, the encounter a “wolfbrother” named Elys. He journeys with a pack of wolves, and can hear their thoughts.

It is soon found out that Perrin has the same ability, and his eyes started to change to a feral, golden yellow color. However, Egwene is the only one who knows, due to the pleading of Perrin for her to keep it a secret. Their journey together led to them being captured by Whitecloaks - men who were against any the Dark One, and believing the Queen was being corrupted by her Aes Sedai, and they escaped.

By the time the big group was back together, Moiraine discovered that both Egwene and Nynaeve were able to touch the One Source. And that they needed to get to the Eye of the World - immediately. With the help of an Ogier, Loial, they traveled through The Ways and were nearly killed by the Black Wind. Nonetheless, they arrived in Fal Dara.

Upon their arrival, Lord Agelmar attempted to have a vast feast to welcome home their unclaimed king, Lan. But Moiraine pushes on eagerly, and they go straight into the Blight, where the Green Man was located and would take them to the Eye of The World. They quickly find him, even though Moiraine claimed to have already seen him, and he takes them to the Eye of the World. However, two Forsakens, the Dark One’s minions who were locked up along with him, were released and taken to the Eye of the World by the Green Man. However, when they start to attack the small group, the Green Man gives up his life to destroy one of the Forsakens, and grew into a big tree.

With the other Forsaken still alive, Moiraine attempts to hold him off, telling the others to run. Everyone, even Lan, runs away from the two. Egwene doesn’t know exactly what happened, except what Rand told her. But according to Moiraine, Rand is a male Aes Sedai. She makes Rand, Nynaeve, and Egwene swear not to tell anyone. In fear of it getting out and the Red Ajah coming after him and gentling him. They all head back to Fal Dara.

After realizing how strong the two females were, Moiraine made sure Egwene and Nynaeve made it to the White Tower, the place where studying to be an Aes Sedai occurred. Along with the Daughter-Heir Elayne, the three of them slowly did all the tasks given to them and they were faced with their toughest problem yet; the three trials of Arches. The three Arches are actually ter'angreal, saidar infused silver arches when, turned on, are filled with this platinum, flowing light. Each arch puts the Novice into a situation that would put the person into a dilemma. They are warned they might not come out of it. Though Egwene doesn’t know what the other two girls went through, Egwene’s three challenges all involved Rand, who she still had some sort of romantic feelings for.

She barely passes through all of them, and is able to be called an Accepted, the step before being called an Aes Sedai and choosing an Ajah to be a part of. Being in the White Tower, the three girls ended up getting tricked by one of the Black Ajah, Ajah who sided with the Dark One, who led them to a lone island, where they were almost captured. Well, all but Egwene. Egwene was captured by the Seanchan, a race of people who occupy this huge island off the main land. There, she became a damane, an Aes Sedai who was collared by sul’dam who controlled her every waking moment. With these collars, the sul’dam can decide when they want the damane to channel, when they want them to submit.

Egwene was put through the torture of being a damane for a little over six months, when she was finally rescued by Elayne and Nynaeve, then later Moiraine as they all got back to the main land. A little bit after that was when Rand, fully acknowledging that he was the Dragon Reborn, pulled out Callandor, the Sword That Cannot Be Touched. When the Aiel witnessed him pull it out, they began calling him He Who Comes With the Dawn, the Aiel’s version of the Dragon Reborn.

While Rand decided to travel to the Aiel’s native land, Egwene decided to follow them, soley for gaining the Wise One’s valuable training. The Wise One’s, akin to the Aes Sedai and Women’s Circle, believe Egwene has the ability to be a Dreamer, someone who is able to walk into the dream world, Tel’aran’rhoid. And to gain more knowledge of this land, and her abilities, Egwene agreed to their training.


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