
Sep 04, 2009 19:17

Short History Of Fasting:

Fasting is the voluntary abstinence from solid food over any period of time out of the ordinary. The practice of fasting has its origins in religion dating to the beginning of recorded history. The purpose of the religious fast is purification of the soul and preparation to receive atonement of sins. Fasting is practiced to this day amongst Roman Catholics, Orthodox Catholics, Jews and several Protestant sects, notably Episcopalians and Lutherans, as well as Muslims, Tibetan Buddhists and American Indians. Fasting even has a political history, highlighted by the use of the fast unto death's door by Mohandas Gandhi to pressure and/or inspire his followers to observe his principles of nonviolence during India's struggle for freedom from their English overlords.

Short-Term Fasting
In general, fasts should be conducted for no longer than 28 days, with most fasts 21 days or less. Long fasts (for more than 42 days), are both unnecessary, and potentially dangerous. A prolonged fast, for more than 2-3 months, is called Starvation! Although most of the 'miraculous' benefits of fasting do result from 3-5 days or more but 7-14 days, that's "healing". Although days 1-7 are quite benefitial to be sure, days 7-14 are truly tremendous, with the benefits from days 14-21 becoming extreme. Days 21-28 are nothing than a complete regeneration of the body. Literally erasing years of aging. (Where the true "Miracles of fasting" take place).
LONg-Term Fasting
Medium fasts (Between 28-42 days), although certainly possible, and frequently performed by dedicated fasters. The benefits of a 35 day fast are absolutely astonishing!
Fasting and Weight Loss
Expect (in general) to lose 1 pound each day of fasting!
Fasting and Starvation
Contrary to what many people believe, fasting is not starvation. During the fast, the body is breaking down the non-essential tissue (Fat) for energy. While conserving essential tissue. Starvation, is the point where the body has used up all of its non-essential tissues (Reserves) ,and begins to break down its own essential tissues. This point (The point of starvation), even for the average individual (Of normal weight), takes quite some time to reach (Some 42 days or more).
Fasting and Calorie Restriction
Calorie restricted (10-30%) diets are extremely healthy. Unlike severly restricted diets, the bodies energy (Food) needs are restricted just enough to result in sharply elevated levels of growth hormone, while eliminating the need to break down essential tissues.
Recommended Fasting Schedule
Definitely include short-term fasting (1-28 days) into your schedule. Your body will begin to literally "grow younger" before your eyes, especially, after day 10.
Discipline and Determination
Suppressing hunger (During days 1-5), one of life's greatest drives, is not easy for most! Eliminating food (During the fasting period), one of life's greatest pleasures, is not easy for most! However, those that have the discipline, and determination, wil have tremendous to extreme healthy benefits awaiting them!
No Pain No Gain
With the exceptions of days 1-5, particulary day 3, fasting is not nearly as difficult as one might imagine (In fact, after day 10, quite pleasurable). Remember too, exercise (Discussed next), also associated with some degree of self sacrifice to promote health, pales in comparison to fasting in terms of health benefits. In fact, one could perform 1-3 annual (14-28) fasts, or calorie restrict (10-30%), never exercise again, and achieve a state of health that no form or amount of exercise could ever accomplish.


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