Jul 20, 2003 00:48
watch out HERE SHE COMES!watch out maaaan she'll eat you uppppp!SHE'S A MAAANNEEAAATTEERR!i hate that song.but geez is it so DERNYDERN catchy!it's like OHHH I WANNA RIP MY EARS OFF BECAUSE HALL AND OATS MAKES ME SSIIICCCKK but...oh no...i am i ammmmm TAPPING MY FOOT!AHHHH!IT IS HERE!THE WRATH!!OHHHH HERE SHE COOOMMEEESS!AHHH IM SINGING!NO MORE NO MOOORRREE!exactly,see?*fork in eye*yes.
i miss elana.i need not say anymore.
my dad and i got the networking hooked up so now he can use the internet downstairs while i am on mine in my room.he was SO HAPPY!i had to call the microsoft people and the lady had this THICK foreign accent and i was like "uhhhh whaaatt" oh i felt HORRIBLE!and DU DU DU DU DUMB!but it all worked out and my dad was grinning and like "oh this is the happiest i have been all week!thanks!" and oh gordon.it joyed me.
i think i am on the verge of breakingout.MY FACE IS SATANIC!IT WANTS MY UNHAPPINESS!
my mom is offffffff workkkk wednesday so i think she may be able to take me to try my driving test.so i need to go to the driving practice big parking lot place with white lines and practice my backing up straight,parallel parking and turn about thingybingy.jessica has scrawled "JESSICA WILL NEVER PASS" in blue marker on her maryland driver's handbook with the big red STOP SIGN on it.i am looking at it now.and i am beginning to think that STEPHANIE WILL NEVER PASS.and THAT is even before i have TAKEN the test!oh god this is ridiculous.i hate those driving people.whoever they are.i need someone to blame for my anger.hmph.
i have clear packaging tape on the bottom of my mouse to hold the batteries in because i have broken not only the little piece that CLICKS in to hold the batteries in but the actual SPRING that holds one side of the batteries in.i am dumb.
i need to call jessica.but i am not sure if she can speak with her wisdom teeth removed and the afterpain.poor girl.
i love holly.our anniversary is coming up!yaaay!i am happy!and she isn't coming next week but NOW WE HAVE OUR FINGERS TIGHTIGHTTIGHT crossed for august 3rd.pplleeeaasassseee.i miss cuddling with my holllllyyyyyy.