Back from overnight Kolkata (Calcutta) turn last morning. Man, really takes one full day to recoup from such flights! So all I did on Saturday was just eat and sleep so I can have enough reserve for the run.
Was there early in morning with
kelly_yamamoto and Eric.
My first half marathon. Frankly, I was really ill prepared for 21 km, a combination of lack of time and laze. (I can almost hear Mum nagging and telling me there is no such thing as no time, you just make time for what you need to do!) The furthest I have ran of late was perhaps 7 km, and that obviously hardly preped me for the half marathon. Did not wanted to dwell on it, just need to complete the run. It was a personal goal I set.
The first few km cruised by with relative ease, as
kelly_yamamoto accompanied me for the initial part. We even stopped to take pictures! :p
19 km more to go damn it!
Eventually fatigue got the better of me as the distance in between the km signs seemed to drag longer. Like.. run so far only 1 balrdy kilometre?!? By 10 km, I was already having a bad cramp in my left thigh, which progressed to the calf. After a little while, even the other thigh started aching. At that point, it took a fair bit of effort for me to raise my legs, and all I could do was shuffle my feet and do brisk jogging. It was physical torment but I had to be firm. Kept reminding myself
what I wrote two months earlier, inspired by reporter Jeanette Wong's ultramarathon experience.
Pain is nothing but what my mind conjured... If I fall out I would be a failure...
Other than quick picture taking, I only stopped once for less than 5 seconds to do a quick stretch and slowed down a little at the water points. Thankfully, I did not fail myself.
The few of us had a good brunch at Marina Square food court thereafter. The guys are damn evil!
biosynthesis called me fat and when I came out of the toilet, they each pretend to hold a scorecard and rated me 5/10! Somewhat, these are the people I called friends loh!!!! And no one wanted to watch Bruno with me!
Oh oh.. nipple burn!
life_st0ry for the pictures!
Group pic
The perfect moron