Aug 09, 2009 13:16
I never considered myself a particularly patriotic person. The cynical aspect of me at times feel that national education and all that jazz is just part of an elaborate agenda to brainwash all of us into having a sense of belonging towards the nation. I doubted it worked on me. Yet I doubted it didn't work on me..
When I attended the Promote Tourism course under the Tourism Management Institute of Singapore, we were told to brain storm and come up with reasons why we love Singapore. There was almost a collective roll of eyes, but everyone had to come up with something and write it down in front of the class.
I was the first to be called up by the instructor, who enjoyed calling me her "son-in-law". What I wrote came instantaneously: law and order. I said this is because of our political stability and low crime rate and headed back to my seat.
I copied the entire list as follows, along with some of my thoughts:
I love Singapore because
1) Law and order
2) Equal opportunity - a meritocratic society with equal chances to excel for both gender, all races
3) High tech - we are known as a "modernized island city" even by the west
4) Red passport - yes, that little red book takes you places. We enjoy numerous visa waivers which is of tremendous convenience. Ask some of your Malaysian counterparts, and see how much of a bitch it can be for some of them to travel, especially guys. I realize overseas customs are somewhat more relaxed with Singapore passport holders (except for that experience in Osaka airport!)
5) It is my home
6) Roof over head - housing might be expensive, but with 92% home ownership, we are one of the highest in the world
7) Terminal 3 - my colleague mentioned it's our pride because it was featured as one of the megastructures on Discovery Channel.
8) Food paradise
9) Accessibility - we are well networked to the rest of the world and there is generally great ease of travel within the country
10) Free from natural disaster - way too many of us take this for granted. I believe this is one of the greatest blessings of our nation.
11) Proper sanitation - safe and portable water direct from the tap
12) LKY - I heard of foreigners describing him as as our "国父" aka founding father. He sounds like a national icon!
13) Fantastic infrastucture
14) Healthcare - well establised and readily available to the general public
15) What we don't have, we make it happen! - World's first F1 night race, Newater...
16) It's summer 24/7! - when foreigners ask how's the weather like over here, I would usually say, "Oh, just 2 variations: hot.. and hotter!"
17) Low corruption - No 4 least corrupted country in the world, first within Asia
18) Subsidized education
19) Clean living conditions
20) Standard of living - we do not have a huge disparity between standard of living and cost of living, compared to some other developed nations
21) Racial harmony
22) Family and friends
How many of the above do you agree? How many have you take for granted?
I have had the good fortune of traveling to many parts of the world. Seen much, done much.. At the end of the day, I still always look forward to going home. I do, really.
Home is where the heart is. Mine is here, because my roots are here. My life, my family, my friends. This is where my existence matters.
You, the one reading this, may be one reason why I am attached to this island.
Oh. Happy birthday You. You are getting on your years eh.. :)