Packing My Room

Jun 19, 2007 00:26

Packing and cleaning the room is a total bitch. I can't believe the amount of junk that had accumulated over the years. Something perked me up though. My past photos.

A little montage...

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swimz June 18 2007, 23:51:24 UTC
LOL.. so cute and chubby when small.... ;p


contride June 19 2007, 08:44:55 UTC
Keke... So so glad I'm not that chubby anymore! :P


swimz June 19 2007, 16:13:24 UTC
ya lor... then no one wanted to strip u liao...

:x :x


contride June 19 2007, 16:44:28 UTC
lol! let me know when you guys gonna club again. need to return you the favor!


swimz June 19 2007, 16:49:38 UTC

hehe.. it's free for u.. no need to return la.. ;p


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