Da Vinci cheated my feeling!

May 23, 2006 20:44

Either I am out of proportion or Leonardo is just plain wrong! Of course I chose to believe the latter.

Bummer! It would have been real neat if I were to be in divine proportion though... Well, according to The Da Vinci Code (Chapter 20), it's supposed to be PHI (pronounced fee), which corresponds to the number 1.618, a derivation of the Fibonacci sequence. For the pedantic ones, wikipedia for more.

Distance from tip of head to floor : Distance from belly button to floor = 171/99 = 1.727

Distance from shoulder to fingertip : Distance from elbow to fingertip = 74.5/ 46 = 1.620

Hip to floor : knee to floor = 97/ 50 = 1.940

Hardly convinced alas. So eager to be divine I came up with a new one myself.

Circumference of chest : Distance between nipples = (statistics unavailable) ≠ divine proportion!

Well that's another slap in the face. Didn't do much for my ego, but at least someone got lucky measuring me up and down! :p 
On another interesting note, the college I studied whilst in London was featured in the book (Chapter 92).
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