"Antigone" LOTR RPS KU/HS, SB/KU

Nov 17, 2002 00:33

Antigone. Second improv. I blame my English teacher for teaching the play while I was writing. What can I say? The story fit, in some ways. Yea. Also, uhm... not entirely finished. I only typed up what was done in 45 mins... 44 mins and 58 seconds, to be exact. Shutting up now.


Jaelawyn Noble [ MedievalElf@yahoo.com ]

Disclaimer: Love 'em, dun own 'em.
Warnings: not finished in the least
Rating: PG
Pairing: HS/KU, SB/KU
Archive: http://silver-fire.envy.nu
Summary: Wherein Vig lusts, Karl drives people insane, and Orlando tries to get answers. Oh, and Sean isn’t too helpful himself.
Feedback: ‘m a whore for it.
Notation: Uhm, I stopped at the 45 min mark, but I didn’t finish! I might eventually go back and add the ending at a later time and date [when I have time]. Also, not in my usual style of denoting different characters’ POV. So, yea… deal. I kinda also got uhm… Kinda taken in by “Antigone” while doing some of it in class. Shakespeare’s in here because I kept quoting it all week.
For Contre La Montre. Needed the quote “You cannot miss what don’t exist,” and socks.


“You don’t love Sean, do you?” Viggo asked, watching as Karl practiced a few lunges with his sword. He fumbled slightly, but continued to practice, ignoring Viggo as much as he could. “Do you?” Viggo asked again, determined to get a reaction.


“Did you ever?” Viggo demanded, slightly shocked at how bluntly Karl had answered. He hadn’t even bothered to talk around the subject like most people would.

“I might have. I don’t know,” Karl admitted softly, letting his arms drop to his sides, sword gripped tightly in one hand.

“Then why are you with him? Why aren’t you with someone you love?” Vig asked, trying to understand.

Karl smiled faintly, walking over to the weapons wrack to put Eomer’s sword away. “Vig… You cannot miss what don’t exist.”

“What do you mean?” he frowned.

Karl just laughed softly and shook his head. “‘O passionate heart, unyielding, tormented, still by the same winds,’” he quoted softly, head cocked to the side.

“‘Antigone,’” Viggo said softly. Karl nodded. “Why did you quote that play?”

“‘Stilled by the same winds,’” he quoted again. He gave a half smile, “I cannot give Sean my heart because I have no heart to give. ‘Tis been stilled by the winds and I no longer have it. Therefore, how can I miss what don’t exist?”

“And what do you mean by that?”

Karl smiled and left, leaving a confused Viggo in his wake.


“Sean… Do you think Karl is in love with someone else?” Orlando asked, mentally cursing Viggo for making him do this.

Sean laughed loudly. “Of course!”

Orlando stared. “Excuse me?” he squeaked.

“Our relationship is that of convenience, Orlando,” Sean explained. “Mutual attraction, mutual respect… but no love.”

“Who do you think Karl loves?”

“Truthfully?” Sean asked; Orlando nodded. “I don’t know, actually. Karl is very secretive. Too secretive, sometimes. He’s almost like a cat in the ways of privacy.”

“He won’t say?” Orlando asked, curiosity sparked.

Sean grinned, running a hand through his hair as he watched the Hobbits pound each other into the ground. “He quotes ‘Antigone’ for answers.”


“That’s for Karl to know and for us to groan about,” Sean laughed. He smirked wickedly when he spotted someone walking over to them. “And speaking of that demon-spawned lover of mine…”

Karl scowled. “Nice to see you too, Sean,” he muttered darkly, glaring. Sean pulled him down for a long, drawn-out passionate kiss. “Well… Now that is a very nice ‘hello.’”

“Heh… Well, I do try to make it worth your while, love.”

“Oh, ha ha. ‘Worth my while,’ my ass,” Karl muttered, sitting down and slumping in a director’s chair.

“And what’s got your knickers in a twist?” frowned Sean.

“‘Love, unconquerable,’” he quoted bitterly.

“Enough of the riddles, mate,” Sean snapped. “Just say what's on your mind.”

Karl smiled weakly. “No thanks.”

“Karl,” said Sean warningly. Orlando watched in shock and amusement. Karl just shook his head stubbornly, smiling at Sean’s glares. “Told you,” Sean griped to Orlando. “Like a bloody cat.”

“Who’s like a cat?” Harry asked, taking a sip from his coffee as he came out of the tent near them. He sank down into the chair next to Karl, watching the three of them with curiosity. He was on set helping Pete and Fran with some technical issues as well as just giving them his general input.

“Karl is,” Sean muttered, glaring at said person who only smiled angelically.

“He’s always been that way. Part of his charm, really. That, an being cryptic as hell,” Harry laughed.

“‘The truth is hard to bear,’” Karl muttered. He was looking at anywhere other than in Harry or Sean’s direction. He toed off his shoes and peeled his socks off, stuffing them in his shoes, folding his legs underneath him.

“‘Antigone…’ Do you quote anything else?” Harry asked, a smile pulling at his lips.

“‘Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. Double, double toil and trouble,’” Karl mocked. “‘Fire burn and cauldron bubble.’”

“Smart arse,” Harry laughed.

“Would you prefer it any other way?” Karl asked quietly.

“No, not at all,” Harry said, smiling wryly. “Makes my life interesting.” Karl snorted.

“Harry, you know Karl pretty well, right?” Orli asked, noticing how comfortable the two were around each other. The air practically buzzed with some sort of tension that Orlando could not name, and could not believe no one else felt.

“Orlando,” Karl warned, knowing full well what the Elf wanted to ask.

Harry frowned, not quite understanding the silent plea in Karl’s eyes, nor the silent, yet loud, air of determination surrounding Orlando. “Yea, I know him well,” he said carefully.

“Would you know if he were in love?”

“Of course.”

“‘The pains that men will take to come to pain!’” Karl moaned, putting his head in his hands.

Harry shook his head. “What are you getting at, Elf?”

“I wanna know who Karl is in love with!”

“What makes you think he is?” Harry asked, frowning.


“Ah,” Karl said, laughing. “‘And none has conquered but Love! A man’s glance working the will of heaven: pleasure him alone who mocks us, Merciless Aphrodite!’” He grinned wickedly, “Viggo loves Sean, no? Unrequited lust.” Sean just stared blankly at Karl while Harry drank his coffee with a smiled.

Orlando pouted. “How’d you know?”

“Viggo’s always trying to badmouth me to Sean. That and he wasn’t exactly subtle when he asked if I loved Sean.”

“If he’s asked, I would have told him it was only mutual affection and the downright basic need for human contact. A thing of friendship and only that.”

“So,” Karl asked, raising an eyebrow. “You talk to the king?”

“I’ll take the king,” Sean laughed, barring his teeth predatorily while Karl laughed helplessly, glad he was sitting down or else he’d be rolling on the ground in hysterics. “And yourself?”

“Eh, I’ve got another of Elendil’s heirs to corrupt.”

Orlando and Sean looked puzzled as Harry laughed helplessly. “More like I’ll corrupt you!” he teased gently.

“Truly?” Karl asked, smirking. “Would you be willing to place a bet on that?”


“Oy. Love triangles,” Orlando moaned.

“‘The only crime is pride,’” Karl quoted, getting up and sitting on Harry’s lap to pull him in for a small yet chaste kiss. He pulled back and winked at Orlando. “Remember that before you go running off after one of the Hobbits.”

kurban, bean, hsinclair

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