Harry Potter (Foliage Challenge)

Oct 26, 2006 14:01

Title: Found
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating: PG, not really anything
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and company belong to J.K. Rowling. No money is involved, just a great love of her characters.
Note: Written for the Foliage Challenge, this is the first contrelamontre challenge that I've answered and I'm not certain that I've followed the challenge to a T.

The Forbidden Forest was always creepy but never creepier then during the late night. The darkness hid the nastier thing found in the forest from human sight. And yet, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry considered the forest an ideal place for students to serve detention. Harry doubted that whatever he may find within the forest tonight would ever compare to what he had witnessed his first time in this forest. There was no chance of finding Voldemort in here tonight, the bastard was dead. May his soul rest forever, all seven pieces of it.

Which brought Harry back to where he was…detention with the Slytherin third years who he had caught brewing an illegal potion. The Headmistress had decided that harvesting the ingredients that they had stolen which would take at least a month was a fitting punishment. Harry had reluctantly agreed with Minerva despite the fact that meant he would have to accompany the students into the forest. His students walked through the forest, their attention on the plants they were passing. Harry could have made things easier and shown them where they could find the monkshood but that would have defeated the purpose of the detention. So he let them pass by the plant on three different occasions before he decided to move the rest of the night’s detention to the dungeons. His students needed a refresher course on how to locate and catalog common plants used as potion’s ingredients.

Before he could get the students’ attention Harry heard a strange noise behind him. He knew it couldn’t be a werewolf as it wasn’t anywhere near the full moon. It wasn’t a centaur because the creature was walking on two legs. It had to be human but who or what would be out this time of night in the forest. Harry cast a protection spell over his students effectively creating a safe clear box around them. When he turned the person started running but not before Harry got a glimpse of dirty silvery blond hair and a pair of familiar gray eyes, he had finally found the Malfoy heir. Throwing up red sparks into the sky to alert Minerva to the children’s position Harry raced through the forest after his quarry.

He chased the man deeper into the forest than he had ever been before until finally Malfoy stopped. The blond had come to a clearing immediately settling into a crouching position his eyes never leaving Harry. On the right side of the clearing was a crude shelter made of branches and leaves. While Malfoy remained immobile Harry took the chance to study him. His blond hair was long, it was matted with dirt, and only faintly held the recognizable silvery blond color. His face was also streaked with mud, in fact as Harry studied the other man he realized that Malfoy was covered in dirt. If the Malfoy Harry remembered had ever seen this he probably would have killed himself.

Malfoy, along with Snape who had been killed at the end of the war had been declared innocent. Snape had been awarded an Order of Merlin, first class, posthumously for his work in aiding the Order of the Phoenix and thus the destruction of Voldemort. Malfoy had not been seen since that night in Harry’s sixth year, the only thing they’d gotten out of Snape before he was killed was that Malfoy was locked away. Thus, Malfoy had been missing for the past five years…so close to the Hogwarts all this time. Harry cast a stunner on the crouched man before levitating him and having Malfoy’s unconscious body trail behind Harry as he made his way back to the castle.

Minerva’s shock when Harry arrived at the castle was priceless. It took Harry nearly ten minutes to convince Minerva to let him take Malfoy to Harry’s rooms. He knew it was ridiculous but Malfoy wouldn’t want to be seen by anybody like this and Harry thought he may be able to help Malfoy. If Malfoy had been in the forest all this time then he had not been locked up at all. Taking in everything he had been told Harry thought that maybe Snape had locked Malfoy in his own mind. If Malfoy didn’t know he was a wizard or what was going on then he could be protected. It was quite ingenious; it was too bad that Malfoy had been left alone so long.

Harry laid Malfoy on his couch and studied the blond for a moment. There was much more muscle on his frame than Harry remembered, probably from running around the forest for so many years. Harry cast two spells in quick succession, first enervate and then second petrificus totalus to bind him. This way Harry could create the mind connection needed through eye contact without worrying over Malfoy’s reaction. It took a moment and then Harry was in Malfoy’s mind which was a mess of memories that made no sense. Harry pushed on, knowing that is was going to take hours to find Snape’s lock on Malfoy’s mind. Hours passed slowly and Harry was bombarded with Malfoy’s memories of the last five years. He saw how lonely Malfoy had been, how scared, and at times how hungry. Until finally Harry found the lock, it took another hour before he could break the lock. Once he did Harry found himself flung from Malfoy’s mind. Harry quickly removed the spell on the other man and was shocked to hear a scream rip from Malfoy’s mouth. What if he had messed up, maybe it hadn’t been such a wise idea to open the lock and bring the memories all back at once.

But Malfoy stopped screaming and sat up looking around, “W-where?”

Malfoy’s voice was hoarse most likely from disuse. Harry smiled, “You’re in my rooms at Hogwarts. If you wish you can use my bathroom to clean up.”

Malfoy nodded and Harry showed him where the bathroom was but before the door could close Harry offered, “You might want me to cut your hair…it would make it easier to wash.”

Malfoy nodded and Harry pulled out his wand cutting Malfoy’s hair with a quick spell. A quiet thank you escaped Malfoy’s lips before he entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Harry leaned back against the door, he had no doubt this would be an interesting year.


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