(no subject)

May 27, 2006 21:39

Fandom:  Hary Potter
Pairing:  Harry/Severus
Rating:  PG
In answer to the "Quotes" challenge.


He watched the long fingers, only tapered slightly at their tips, dip momentarily into the cauldron. An elegant swirl originating from the wrist, a half-turn counterclockwise, and whatever Severus Snape was measuring appeared satisfactory as he gave the cooling potion an approving nod.

“Talent does what it can; genius does what it must.”

A smooth half-turn counterclockwise, the movement was aborted by an abrupt pose. Severus favored Harry Potter a mild look, brows barely knitted in the center. Harry started towards him, gait unsteady. Severus held himself still. His breathing registered several beats faster though he remained rigid and waiting. Four steps in, a noticeable sway and a sudden unfocused look foreshadowed Harry’s pitch forward. It didn’t happen in slow motion and fortunately Severus, well-practiced by now, was swift in closing the remaining distance between them. He had Harry firmly by the shoulders and leveled before the fall could complete itself. Harry shook his head and raked a hand through his unruly locks before he looked up, blinking and smiling sheepishly.

“I couldn’t sleep,” Harry stated.

“Once again, thank you for pointing out the obvious, Mr. Potter,” Severus replied. “It would benefit you to know that midnight swoons are not nearly as alluring as those Muggle films you’ve been torturing me with lately portray them to be.”

Harry’s grin spanned wide across the lower half of his face. “Caught in the act, am I?”

“Quite.” The curl in his lip, a tease at a sardonic smile, betrayed Severus’ otherwise stern tone and countenance. He brought one of Harry’s arms around his shoulders and circled one of his around Harry’s waist, thinner lately - more so than either cared to acknowledge openly in the other’s presence. They moved across the room, steps slow and careful.

“Aren’t you done?” Harry asked, unmitigated tone jarring the reverie.

Severus nodded. “This batch, yes.”

“You mean to make more?”

“Another month’s worth if I have enough ingredients.”

Harry shivered suddenly against Severus’ side, prompting Severus’ automatic response to draw him in closer.


“You always are so affectionate at this time of night,” Harry chuckled.

“You’re in no condition to be wandering the grounds, let alone without a proper cloak,” Severus replied, voice tight.

“Severus, I didn’t know you cared,” Harry teased gently.

“Your insolence - ”

“Is sexy, I know,” Harry finished with a loud laugh.

Severus sniffed. “Ah, bugger.”

“Well, yes, that’d be one way to warm me up.”

Severus lowered Harry to the spare cot he’d begun keeping in his workroom. He drew the blanket to Harry’s chin and whispered a warming spell.

“Shall I give you a potion?” Severus asked softly, carding his hand through Harry’s hair.

Harry shook his head and yawned. He removed his glasses and placed them in Severus’ extended hand.

“ ’M fine,” Harry answered sleepily.

In a low voice, Severus incanted a mild lulling spell and in seconds, Harry was asleep, breathing even and unworried. Severus remained perched at the edge of the cot. He noted the hollow in Harry’s cheeks, the sharp edge of bone at his collar, the paleness of skin that had not enjoyed the sun in many weeks. There was marked improvement, Severus convinced himself. It was slight, but it was there nonetheless. Once he completed tonight’s batch, he would not be required to leave Harry’s side again for at least another month. Perhaps another month would prove to be an exaggerated effort. A man can hope, anyway.
  “It wasn’t genius that beckoned me here, Harry,” Severus whispered, one finger lingering momentarily at the delicate curve of Harry's jaw before he rose and returned to the cauldron.


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