Disclaimer: I don´t own neither Star Wars nor anything related to it.
Summary: Even Mace Windu has sometimes the wish to break rules...
Authors note: For those who didn´t read Labyrinth of the Evil: Valiant is the Clone Commander who serves under Mace Windu during that novel.
And Cody is the Clone Commander who serves under Obi-Wan until Palpatine orders him to execute Order 66 in RotS
Would be also nice to have some reviews because English isn´t my mother tongue and I´m sure I´m still making many mistakes.
There was one thing about Mace Windu: He always, ever followed the rules of the order. No matter in what situation he was, he always adhered to the Code.
And because of that he was the example for a perfect Jedi: extraordinary skilled with the lightsaber, youngest ever elected member of the Council, master Yoda´s right hand, idol of nearly every Padwan...
But as often doing was not the same as thinking. That Mace Windu always adhered to the Code didn´t mean he didn´t want to break it sometimes.
There were moments when he wished he could be more like some other Jedi, more like Qui-Gon has been, more rule-breaking or better being more like Obi-Wan.
For Mace Windu Obi-Wan was the man who had everything: he had a very talented Padawan, was respected from the Council, was a highly praised negotiator, he easily became friends with almost everyone he worked with for a while and he had adoration and love...
That was it was Mace Windu wanted: love. Valiants love. He wanted to kiss the man until his lungs would burst. He had spent many nights imagine the texture of those lips, wether they were soft and wet or dry and soft or maybe even brittle.
He also imagined the taste of Valiants mouth, the noises the other man would make when Mace would press him to a wall and stop caring about rules, about traditions, about everything beside Valiant and their kiss.
Valiant was the reason he wanted to be like Obi-Wan Mace Windu realized when one night he found Obi-Wan and Cody engaged in a fiery battle including mouths and hands. He didn´t report his friend, because he knew he wanted the same. Just he wasn´t Obi-Wan Kenobi, he was Mace Windu and mace Windu would allow himself being in a relationship. It was forbidden from the Code and Mace Windu always, ever adhered to the Code.