"Immersed" - Legolas/Gimli - G - Lord of the Rings fandom

Jan 11, 2006 22:18

Title: Immersed
Author: Lemur (Lemur710@aol.com)
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Gimli/Legolas
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: All due credit to the great J.R.R. Tolkien.
Feedback: That’d be great. Especially constructive criticism.
Archive: List archives; otherwise, just ask. :)
Summary: Both Legolas and Gimli are in deep.
Author’s Notes: Written in 30 minutes for the Contrelamontre “Sea” challenge.

By Lemur

If he heard one more forlorn sigh, Gimli knew he would do something rash. The water lapped up over the lip of the rock, wetting his boot. Soon, he would have an algae line just like the rest of this rocky shore.

Their dusk sojourns to this spot had grown steadily more frequent, and then steadily longer. Gimli suspected it wouldn’t be long before they simply settled here permanently, their arses taking the shape of hard, flat rocks. He could leave, of course, but Legolas had a way of idly stroking Gimli’s beard as he stared across the ocean. Legolas was not the physical sort, so Gimli greedily horded each caress, even while know they acted as an anchor, holding him to Legolas and Legolas to the shore.

On an inhaled breath, Legolas’s chest rose and Gimli watched closely, lifted a hand and waited for the moment. The sigh broke free and Gimli punched forward, striking Legolas right across the shoulder and toppling him head-long into the sea with a startled gasp. Fortunately, he’d released Gimli’s beard.

Legolas surfaced, a wet and golden mess. Warrior’s eyes sharpened, he raised himself and fastened a pulling arm on Gimli’s shoulder. Gimli leaned back. “Now there, lad. I’ll sink straight to the bottom and I don’t think you’d be enough to save me. It’d be a revenge sweet enough, but awful lonely.”

With an irritated purse of his lips, Legolas eased back into the water. He treaded water, working to unfasten his quiver. “If my smell is not to your liking, Gimli, you may simply say so.”

“Your smell pleases me just fine.” Legolas looked up with a sly gaze that was still enough to make a bit of sweat tickle at the back of Gimli’s neck. “And you know it does,” Gimli added gruffly.

“Then you assumed I needed a swim?” Legolas laid his arrows across a flatted span of rock. The sun shone down, drying them.

“Can you swim there?”


“That place, that island,” Gimli said softly, venturing forward carefully. “Where your kind go.”

Legolas’s whole body tightened, but his face weakened with longing. “No. I cannot swim there.” He hoisted himself back atop the rocks in a cascade of water. His boots and clothing squished as he moved and sat.

“Then, I suppose you’ll have to take a boat.”

Legolas’s blue eyes peered into the sun and across the endless expanse of water. “No,” he said, jaw set. “I’m not ready to go.” His wet fingers slipped into Gimli’s beard, gently combing a long lock.

He hit the water again with a splash. This time, he took a bit of Gimli’s hair with him and surfaced with an angry splutter. “What - ”

“You damned stupid Elf!” Gimli leapt to his feet as much for emphasis as to avoid Legolas’s lunge to grab him. “Aragorn’s dead, the hobbits are dead! They’re dead and Middle-earth doesn’t need you anymore. Go on!”

“*You’re* not dead!” Legolas shouted.

“Fine then, lad.” Gimli reached down to take off his heavy boots. “I’ll jump in and drown, then you can go off where you’re happy.”

“No, no,” Legolas cooed fretfully. He flitted forward in the water and lifted a dripping hand to stop Gimli.

Gimli collapsed onto his rock. He took Legolas’s hand from his foot and held it between his own. The water droplets glimmered on his pale skin. He let out his own forlorn sigh. “How can I make you go?”

“You want me gone?”

Gimli coughed hard, clearing his throat. He dragged a finger through a drop of water on Legolas’s palm. “I want you happy.”

After a moment, Gimli watched as Legolas’s grip tightened and his fingers glided through his.

“Then say you’ll come with me.”

Gimli snorted. “A dwarf on a big ruddy island with nothing but Elves?”

Legolas smiled and Gimli tried not to return the unfairly contagious expression. “Sounds exciting,” Legolas said.

Gimli chuckled. “So it does.”

The End


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