(no subject)

Oct 11, 2005 05:22

Started 5:22 am, cos' I'm mental.

Fandom: The Faculty

Pairing: Casey/Zeke

Synopsis: Zeke is fucking mental.
Writ for the "Love-don't say it" challenge

Don't you say it, Ezekiel Tyler. Don't you frikkin' dare say it. Not even in your own head. Remember the project you had goin' with your car? Think of that, you mindless shithead.

Everyone- every now and again- had these sort of thoughts, right? Well if no one ever did, Zeke would define it for those who missed out on it. He'd describe it as total fucking nuts.

Of course it's nuts, you idiot. For the love of Pete, will you STOP LOOKING???

Zeke lowered his head. He was getting sick of watching anyways. Wait, no he wasn't. He looked up again, sighing deeply.

I'm TRYING to help you here, if you could rip your eyes away for one second-

"Shut up," he muttered out loud. It always helped to voice his objections. The random murmurings of his brain would cease that way. No one else was there anyways; the school had been emptied long before, and it was just Zeke, his car and a mostly empty parking lot. He wouldn't have cared if everyone was around him at any rate. His hair was matted to his head, courtesy of his football helmet that crushed his brain through his ears everytime he wore it. Jesus. Fucking annoyances.


"Good," he said aloud, again. He was now left to lean on his car, light another cigarette, and watch Casey Connor take pictures of the new spring flowers growing next to the wall of the school. Kee-rist. "HEY! Thought you'd said you were gonna be finished by the time my practice was over!!" Zeke called out to him. Casey looked up quick then turned back to his Goddamned camera to fiddle with it.

"I'm almost done... sorry!!" he yelled back. Zeke rolled his eyes. Why he'd ever agreed to give him a ride home, leaving him with extra time to take pictures for the newspaper's "Spring Fling" edition was beyond him.

It's 'cos you-

"Shuttup shuttup shuttup shuttuuuuup..." Zeke growled through gritted teeth.

Okay, Mr. Tyler. Let's have some intelligent discussion. I know you're capable of it, because I happen to be you.

Zeke sighed. "Well said. Do go on," he whispered. Damn. He WAS fucking crazy, wasn't he?

Let's cover the important bases first. For the last four months, how many times have you laid in bed and not gotten one wink of sleep?

Zeke yawned.

Mmm, thought so. Okay, now WHY, pray tell, has this insomnia burst through you like this? What IS it you're thinking of when you're lying there, hmm?

Zeke took a deep breath, his eyes involuntarily going to rest on the boy now crouching down to snap a picture of... what the fuck was he doing, anyways?

You could give a rat's ass what he's taking a picture of, and you know it. What you're in fact DOING is looking at his-

Zeke looked away. "Happy?"

Quite. NOW. If you can't say it aloud, I'll say it for you. You're really starting to confuse things here, getting all muddled up in some sappy thoughts. It doesn't leave much room for your jaded tough guy side. Which uh, is me. So let's get this straightened out.

"Fun, do go on."

Right. Let's get straight to the point; why have you been constantly, constantly, CONSTANTLY thinking of throwing that puny runt against a wall and fucking straight on through 'til Easter Sunday?

Zeke hissed out a long breath; he took up his cigarette and did exactly what anyone who was stressed out like this did; mouthed something. Breathed something other than air into their lungs. "I dunno."

Oh for shit's sake, 'dunno'?? What are we now, three?? Since fucking WHEN do we jack off to thoughts about some idiot boy?? Last I knew, that Wendy chick was hot.

"Wendy? Wendy who?"

So I got a thing for hamburgers and pigtails. That's not the point. The POINT is, is that instead of looking at little wimpy boys, we SHOULD be worrying about what chick gets to be laid by Ezekiel Tyler. The completely, obsessively, most wonderfully heterosexual brooding sex God of Herrington High.

"So I'm a sex God now? Give me a break,"

"Did you say something, Zeke?"

That voice...

A pre-pubescent boy's voice turns you ON? Come on now, Zeke.

"NO." Zeke yelled back.

"I'm almost done here. Just give me another minute or two,"

"'K. Take... your time,"

Take your time, for WHAT? Some dumbass little shit to take pictures of BOOFUL BOOFUL flowers?? Since when do we care about flowers, or the boys that photograph them?

"Since I wanted to, so back off." God, he was telling... the hell, he needed a drink.

Might be a good idea. So, okay, back to my points.

"God yes please, let me look even MORE insane..."

Yeeeep. Now then, why did you smell his hair when you HUGGED him at Stokely's party last weekend?? Since when do we HUG???

Zeke rolled his eyes again, throwing the barely-smoked cigarette on the pavement. "He needed one. He'd just broken it off with Delilah, man,"

Rebound. Fucking rebound, are you LISTENING to yourself?

"No, I'm listening to you. Oh fuck me." Zeke grumbled, getting up from the hood and pacing. "This has never worked out, y'now. The more I listen to myself think, the less I follow instructions."

I've never instructed you to do anything. I've saved your ass so many times, and you know it.

"Uh huh,"


Zeke nearly jumped his height in hearing Casey suddenly speaking directly behind him. He whirled around, trying to smile.

"Just uh... going over math problems in my head," he said. Casey nodded slowly.

"Okay then. Thanks for sticking around for me," Casey said, going to the passenger side of the car. "I didn't feel like calling my parents for a ride, but I really wanted to get those pictures. The weather report said there was going to be frost, and that would have messed up the crocuses..."

Does he ever shut up?

Zeke started the car as Casey rambled on and on, talking about spring flowers, weather, the new filters he'd gotten for his camera. "They really bring out the colors, you should SEE the pictures I got of the party!"

"Cool." was all Zeke could say. "Look, are you hungry? I wanna stop somewhere to eat."

Oh look. A friggin' dinner date.

"Yea, sure! I got my allowance this morning..."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh my GOOD GOD, Zeke! Can you pick 'em!!

Zeke's hands clenched the wheel tight, trying his best to focus on what Casey was rambling on about NOW. Anything was better than his inner self mocking the hell out of the boy he-


"Do you like milkshakes?" Zeke suddenly shot out with, interrupting Casey's endless string of meaningless conversation.

"Yea." Casey said, nodding. Zeke nodded back.

"They got the best milkshakes at this one place I know of,"

"Hah! Bet they aren't as good at this ONE place I went to. It was out in New York City, when I went with my church group..."

You just wanna see white on his lips. Better hope he doesn't like strawberry, THAT could conjure up some really disturbing thoughts...

"Oh shut UP!"

Dead. Fucking. Silence.



Yea. Yea, you yelled at me. Like... 'Casey just heard you yelling at me' yelling at me.

Zeke glanced over to Casey, who now fell silent. "Case, I wasn't talking to you," he said, making Casey look to him with a confused frown.


Well don't that beat all... he's gonna think you're a fucking lunatic. May as well write him off here and now.

"Do you ever talk to yourself, Case?"

Now Casey was smiling, thank God. "Yea," he admitted. "Were you doing that while I was talking to you?"

"Uh... yea,"

"Why'd you tell yourself to shut up?"

Josh bit his lip. "Casey... what would you say... if..."

Ohhhh no. No, no, no, Zeke.

"If we just went back to my place and watched a movie?"

"Oh," Casey uttered, shrugging. "Sure,"

Fuck you. I was ready to run you off the road. Bet i could do that, y'now. Don't tempt me.

"'K, cool. What do you want to watch?"

"Whattaya got?"

"Um... actually... let's go to the video store," Zeke suggested. Casey blinked, looking into his lap.

"Or we could just watch TV,"

"Yea, we could."

Jesus. Or maybe you can cuddle on the couch. Or tongue wrestle. Or who knows, "Maybe throw you down on my bed and fuck you senseless,"

Why was Casey looking at him like that? Zeke turned to look at him as he pulled into his driveway. "What?" he said, confused. As he put the car in park, Casey's lips parted slightly, looking to Zeke with wide eyes.

"Um..." Casey murmured, blinking fast. Oh no. He didn't.

Yep. Yep, yep, yep...

The two of them sat in the car, both of them motionless. If Zeke didn't cherish his car so much, if he hadn't spent so much time re-vamping it after crashing it with Miss Burke, he just might have drove it into any solid structure nearby. "Casey, um... what I just said..."

"Talking to yourself again?" Casey said; Zeke looked to him, seeing that his expression had changed from shock to slight bemusement.

"Y-Yea... could say,"

"Like I'd said," Casey sighe dout, opening his door and stepping out. He shut the door and looked through the opened window to Zeke. "I talk to myself too,"

For a moment, Zeke really didn't register what had just happened. All he knew was that Casey was walking down the driveway to the house, waiting there for Zeke to open the side door. With trembling hands, Zeke got his door open and got out on equally shaky legs.

Just make sure it's all sex, Zeke. Don't say it, okay? You've never said it to anybody while fucking, and you shouldn't start now. It only gets you into trouble. Now, if you REALLY need to say it, say it later when he goes home and you end up jacking off all night. Scream it to the world, just make sure that dork is our of earshot. You've thought it enough, you don't need to SAY it. Do you?

The way Casey looked at him before Zeke took his face and kissed him assured him that no voices would be listened to tonight.

(Finished at 6:22, exactly an hour!!!!)


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